• Resolved Steve D.


    My users select (checkboxes) from a list of files. I’d like to display each file’s description, along with it’s title, in the list that the users select from.

    I’m using the old version of Download Monitor, so I understand how to use custom formats to modify the output of the files that are displayed AFTER the form is submitted. I need to modify the file list that users select from BEFORE submitting the form.



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  • dtynan


    I do that on one my sites (and it also uses checkboxes). I had to modify email-before-download.php in order to do it though. I am on the new Download Monitor, so there will be a slight difference there vs what you would need to do.

    Anyway, if you are comfortable editing PHP and are willing to wait until I have time to go through my code & sort of tell you what I did and where then I don’t mind doing that (should be within a day). It’ll take a bit of work, so I don’t want to do it unless it would be helpful and you are comfortable with editing PHP and ok with modifying your plugin code .. ?

    Thread Starter Steve D.



    That would be fantastic! I assumed there would be a hack to the php file and I’m confortable doing that. I very much appreciate your sharing your work. (And I really don’t care which version of Download Monitor I use, I’m happy to switch to the current release.)

    Thanks again.




    ok, I’ll post again in a few hours w/info on what I did and then you can do something similar.

    Thread Starter Steve D.


    Thanks! Very much appreciated.



    Ok, this is the page I did for a psychologist who has several files for download using checkboxes (left-side checkboxes): https://www.doctorferrara.com/forms/

    Take a look at that for reference. As you can see, it’s left-side checkbox, then the file title to the right of that. Then, underneath that is an indented description. In this case, I’m actually using the “short description” field, but it could have just as easily been the normal description field. I am using the latest Download Monitor, which has a “short description” field .. I don’t remember if that older version does, but I don’t think it matters much — pretty sure you’ll be able to do this using your existing version.

    Ok, so it turns out there’s not much to change really. I am going to give line numbers as to where you want to change things. Those line numbers are going to refer to an -unmodified- email-before-download.php (latest version), so that you can easily find what I’m talking about.

    About line 159 you should see this:

            $dl = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM $wp_dlm_db  WHERE id = '".esc_sql($dl_id)."';" );
            $d = new downloadable_file($dl);
            $d = new stdClass;
            $d->title = do_shortcode('[download_data id="'.$dl_id.'" data="title"]');

    Before the “else” is for the old Download Monitor. After the “else” is the new Download Monitor. In my case, I added one line after the $d->title line, which was:

    $d->short_description = do_shortcode('[download_data id="'.$dl_id.'" data="short_description"]');

    So that is getting the short_description for that file out of Download monitor. You can do that same thing if you’re on the new DM. If you’re on the old DM, then instead I think you should add a line after the $d = new downloadable_file($dl) line that looks like this:

    $d->short_description = $d->desc;

    I think that will get the description field for the file out of the old DM. Note that we’re still gonna stuff it into $d->short_description so that my code further down will work (since it refers to short_description).

    Ok, hopefully that makes sense. Now the next change. At about line 195 you should see this:

    $chekboxesL .= '<br /> <input type="'.$checkbox.'" '.$checked_state_html.' name="ebd_downloads[]" value="'. $dl_id . '"/> '. $d->title;

    assuming you are using left-side checkboxes like me then change that to:

    $chekboxesL .= '<span><input type="'.$checkbox.'" '.$checked_state_html.' name="ebd_downloads[]" value="'. $dl_id . '"/> '. $d->title . "</span>";
             $dyldesc = '';
             if (strlen($d->short_description)) {
               $dyldesc = '<div class="ckboxd">' . sanitize_text_field($d->short_description) . "</div>";
             $chekboxesL .= $dyldesc;

    If you are not using left-side checkboxes then you’ll have to adjust the above a good bit to get things looking right I suspect. You would need to change the $checkboxes rather than the $chekboxesL variable in that case.

    I don’t think you’ll need to do this next change, but it helped me and one or two other folks (most pages or themes don’t need it I don’t think). Change line 296 from:

    $contact_form = str_replace("<ebd_left />", $chekboxesL, $contact_form);


    $contact_form = str_replace("<p><ebd_left /></p>", $chekboxesL, $contact_form);

    That’s pretty much it. Oh, I also added the following CSS to my page:

    .ckboxd {
        padding: 0 6px 9px 32px;
        margin: 0;
        font-size: 90%;
        line-height: 1.6;



    Additionally, you may see a problem when a user doesn’t check any checkboxes and hits submit. If you want to prevent that from being submitted, then you need to make the change I mention at the very very bottom of this item:


    (only make the change I refer to at the bottom of the item … I have some prior attempts before that which don’t work so ignore those)



    Another possible issue you may notice has to do with the notification email that goes to you that tells you what files the user downloaded. It may string all the file titles together onto one line with vertical bars in between each one. Not a big deal, but kinda ugly and hard to read. This may not be an issue if you check the checkbox to make it send HTML notification emails (in your Contact Form 7 form) .. or it may, I’m not sure.

    Anyway, if you see a problem like this, here’s how to fix it…

    Change line 631 from:

    $mail['body'] = str_replace("[your-message]", 'The downloaded file name(s): ' . $title, $mbody);


    $mail['body'] = str_replace("[your-message]", 'The downloaded file name(s): ' . "\n" . str_replace("|","\r\n",$title), $mbody);

    Thread Starter Steve D.


    Thanks so much! This is exactly what I needed. This works like a charm.



    Don’t quite mean to hijack this thread.

    But is it also possible to enable HTML in the short description?

    next to the description I want to show an <IMG>

    Kind regards,



    HTML isn’t going to work in the short description because of the way I’ve written that code. Again, that code (from up above) is:

    $chekboxesL .= '<span><input type="'.$checkbox.'" '.$checked_state_html.' name="ebd_downloads[]" value="'. $dl_id . '"/> '. $d->title . "</span>";
             $dyldesc = '';
             if (strlen($d->short_description)) {
               $dyldesc = '<div class="ckboxd">' . sanitize_text_field($d->short_description) . "</div>";
             $chekboxesL .= $dyldesc;

    That sanitize_text_field is going to convert any HTML tags to the entity-equivalent. Like the less-than sign is going to become ampersand-L-T and so on. That will prevent it from displaying. So, you could remove the sanitize_text_field() and just leave the $d->short_description and that might help you do what you want, but you’ll need to make sure you don’t put anything in the short description that might mess up the HTML on your page, of course (like a < without a closing > for example).

    Alternatively, you could just modify that line of code to put the img tag after the /div tag or before the opening div or something like that. You’ll need basic code-editing knowledge to do that without breaking it. And, of course, because img tags act goofy sometimes, you might need another div to wrap the whole thing in or some css to make it line up correctly and such.


    Did you modify the original email-before-download.php or you had to use some kind of a child plugin or hooks? So, every time the plugin is updated, your changes are kept as well.


    I modified the original email-before-download.php. There’s no other way to do it, unfortunately.

    They don’t update EBD very often, but when they do you have to be careful not to accidentally update it or you’ll overwrite the changes — of course, you should save a copy of your changed version in case you accidentally do that.

    So, have a couple of options on how to manage it:

    A) you can ever update EBD again and your changes don’t get overwritten, but that plugin will show as out of date (assuming a new EBD has been released). Conceivably, you could get really tricky and do something like change the version numbers in your modified version to be something way way higher & then you’ll avoid the update notification & accidental update. I haven’t done that, but it should work I would think.

    B) or, you can get download the new EBD to your own system & then look at it and make the same changes again (copy from your existing one) or otherwise kind of merge them together. Then put the new EBD with your changes in it in place in the plugins directory and that will make the update notification go away in wordpress (since you’ll have the latest version then, but just with modifications).

    It’s not hands-off, but because they update so rarely and only change a line or two, it’s not much of a problem.

    Got it. Thank you for this advice. You are always so helpful.

    I tried this update. Wondering if it works for multiple downloads.
    Using this shortcode
    [email-download download_id=”2908,2928″ contact_form_id=”2925″]

    getting this for the documents
    Test 1 [checkbox]
    Test 2 [checkbox]

    Wondering if I can get a document title and short description out with multiple documents based on this comment in the FAQs about the shortcode. And not too sure how to use this shortcode.
    title – this attribute overrides the download title from Download Monitor (works only with single id)

    Any hints greatly appreciated.

    Update: I fixed the titles, I was using the wrong id from the download page. Now just trying to get the descriptions to list on multiple downloads.

    Thanks for going back through the support tickets and finding this item where I explained what to do.

    If you followed the above instructions then it should work as far as I know. I can’t think of anything that has changed that would break it and as far as I can recall I haven’t modified that code on that site (and it still works today).

    I’m not sure how you could have titles working but not short description unless you made a mistake somewhere along the way. Hmm. Are you sure you have something in the “Short Description” field for the files? The “Short Description” field is near the bottom (2nd to the bottom) when you edit a download in Download Monitor. There is the Title at the top, then the big box after that is the regular description field (which I’m not using), then scroll down some and you’ll see a section called “Short Description”. That is where I’m putting my text for the description. Maybe you put yours in the wrong field?

    If it’s not that then I can only guess that you made an error somewhere along the way? Maybe start at the top of this thread and go down it again and double-check that you really got everything in there correctly? If you can’t figure out then email your modified copy of email-before-download.php to [email protected] and I can compare it to mine to see if you missed something I guess. Make sure you update this ticket if you need to do that as I don’t usually check that email address.

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