Hello @amading
In the equations the fields’ names with the structure: fieldname#
correspond only to fields in the same form. However, there is always an alternative to implement the behavior described. I’ll try to describe the process with a hypothetical example:
* Assuming there are two forms in the page: Form A and Form B, and you want to use the fieldname1 field, inserted in the form A, as part of the equations of the form B. As I said previously that’s not possible directly, so, the idea would be populate a field in the form B with the values of the field in the form A, and use the field in the form B as part of the equations.
– First, assign an unique class name to the field in the form A, for example: my-a-field
Note: the class names are assigned to the fields through their attributes: “Add CSS Layout Keywords”
– Second, insert a hidden field in the form B (I’ll call it, fieldname23) and assign to it a custom class name too, for example: my-b-field
– Third, insert a “HTML Content” field in the form B with a block of code similar to the following one as its content:
jQuery(document).on('change', '.my-a-field input', function(){
jQuery('.my-b-field input').val(this.value).change();
and that’s all. Now you can use in the equations of the form B the fieldname23 field as usual, because it belongs to the form B, and this field is being populated with the values of the fieldname1 field in the form A.
Best regards.