• Currently I’m using Theme My Login to redirect user roles to specific pages. Works great. However I’m hoping I an do something extra.
    So User1 has the role of Contributor, so User1 logs in at a login page for mywebsite.com and TML Redirect takes all users with role of Contributor to mywebsite.com/contributors-corner using ‘custom location’ under TML Redirection.

    However, if I gave User1 a link like “mywebsite.com/contributors-corner/?specialthing=myvalue” , and User1 isn’t logged in, when User1 logs in, it still goes to mywebsite.com/contributors-corner and the values are erased (or subdirectories or whatever was in the link). This is functioning as normal, and I understand that if I set “Contributor” role to Referer, after logging in User1 would continue on to “website.com/contributors-corner/?myvariable=myvalue”

    I want the best of both worlds. If logged out User1 comes to the standard login screen on their own, I want them to redirect to /contributors-corner/ however If I email them /contributors-corner/?myvariable=myvalue I want them to log in and arrive there with the variable and value intact (or to something similar like a sub directory in the link).

    Is there an option for this, or a way to create an alternate login page for WordPress that isn’t affected by Theme My Login. I could conceivably create an alternate login page that maintains their URL info and forwards them on. I hope I explained this well. Thanks


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  • Plugin Author Jeff Farthing


    Do you think per user customized redirects could be useful, given the scenario?

    Thread Starter jazonz


    I’ll check that option but I might be looking more for a conditional.
    If logged off user arrives at the website login (mywebsite.com/login) go to their default static URL (mywebsite.com/contributors-corner). If they arrive via a link with values (mywebsite.com/contributors-corner/?formfield=myvalue) send them on through to that link after logging in and don’t strip away the value.

    Plugin Author Jeff Farthing


    Try making the link in the e-mail to the login URL, with the redirect set to the page you want.

    So instead of mywebsite.com/contributors-corner/?formfield=myvalue, try mywebsite.com/login/?redirect_to=/contributors-corner/?form-field=myvalue.

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