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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Nonya, your other posts were deleted because you chose someone else’s review to get into it with the plugin author. That’s not cool. You can leave your own review like this one.

    I have used this and on uninstall due to the prevention of my sites backup utilities found it was adding duplicated data and secret hidden SKU’s to the products it added.

    Have you opened up a support topic with this plugin author? Reviews are 100% not the place to ask these questions.

    Thread Starter nonya


    took a look there mate youd have noticed i was supporting the gentleman who made the reviews claims despite the developers whole hearted attempts to place them in despute
    that was why i originally commented on that review and my repeat comments were in answer to the reply from the developer and it were THOSE that were hidden not cool as you say hmm
    no doubt the reason the developer holds such high regard for your so called checks and balances hmm?
    the ability to control the flow of information to potential users would be quite invaluable
    as for the support topic i had and had it closed by this “developer”
    still to no actual reason as to why he adds a hidden sku to products
    more and more suspicious by the day made more so by the information being hidden and the possibilities that entails
    thank you for attempting to place my mind at ease even if obvious without full knowledge of the cause

    Thread Starter nonya


    some people may see it as its a fre plugin be grateful
    i see it as i permitted some clown shoe to test his skills IN MY STUFF
    to that point i expect to be told truth by the above said clown shoe and then it may be of a consideration to even go near further or paid products
    you give a free plugin as a form of advertisement DO NOT DELUDE YOURSELF
    the advertising i have seen thus far of the plugin and the developer of himself both leave much to be desired in a professional and trusting relationship
    as does the moderations jump on command rutine

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    So… You’re not going to ask those questions in a respectful and positive manner via that link I provided?

    It seems like you’ve a legitimate question too.

    I have used this and on uninstall due to the prevention of my sites backup utilities found it was adding duplicated data and secret hidden SKU’s to the products it added.

    Why not give these 2 articles a read? They do provide some insight for leaving a good bad review.

    Or you can avail yourself of that link I posted and ask the author about the problem you’ve had. If you do go that route then please keep it factual and concise.

    Thread Starter nonya


    issue readin buddy
    forum thread opened and closed by developer
    as for respect i respect what shows respect and the removal of valid comments was a far reach short of respect
    especially when undeniably done so in order to withhold information from users
    last platform used i.e phpfox by permitted known hackers into their clients systems and attempted to hide the facts there after hence my leaving that to begin
    i see this is a common occurrence with “developers” and we shall remain silent then
    thank you the lesson

    Thread Starter nonya


    The Portland Company wrote:

    If anyone reading this would like to confirm the validity of @nonya’s claims you may review their original post via the link below.
    Will a moderator (@esmi, @macmanx) please remove this thread since it is not a support request and the user already posted here:

    Read this post on the forums:

    You’re getting this email because you subscribed to ‘THIS PLUGIN IS ADDED DUPLICATE PRODUCTS AND SECRET HIDDEN SKU TO OUR PRODUCTS.’

    taken from the email sent after developer closed forum thread

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    To clarify, only forum moderators and administrators can close threads and remove comments.

    Dear Moderators,

    Plugin authorship guidelines:

    5. Trialware is not allowed in the repository. It’s perfectly fine to attempt to upsell the user on other products and features, but a) not in an annoying manner and b) not by disabling functionality after some time period. Similarly, you cannot “cripple” functionality in the plugin and then ask for payment or provide a code to unlock the functionality. All code hosted by servers must be free and fully-functional. If you want to sell advanced features for a plugin (such as a “pro” version), then you must sell and serve that code from your own site, we will not host it on our servers.

    Note: This software offers to bulk import photos into woocommerce and bulk create products. This is does. However, in the free version they stamp every one of your product images with a watermark, so the plugin is unusable in the free form, and you must upgrade to de-cripple it. This is trialware or cripple ware which goes against your terms for plugin authorship. Please remove this plugin from the directory.

    This is how your products look when created with the free version:


    Thread Starter nonya


    Still to receive an answer as to why this developer thinks it his right to placed hidden code into our sites
    be aware these are the actions of someone attempting to hide what theyve done furthering the question HOW MUCH MALICIOUS CODE IS HIDDEN IN THIS PLUGIN
    the so called developer refuses to answer

    Moderator James Huff


    ramedia, the moderators of the *support forums* do not have control over the *plugin directory*.

    If you want someone to re-evaluate this plugin, you will need to contact plugins (at) wordpress (dot) org.

    This review is nether productive nor a review, so I’ll close this thread.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    FYI: Plugin review team got your report. We’re reviewing it now. You can stop posting all over the forums and emailing us a dozen times. Thanks ??

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