• I am trying to log into WordPress using my mobile hotspot. The IP address for the hotspot is diefferent than the IP I used to install WordPress. I have tried white listing my mobile hotspot IP address by adding this into the htaccess file:

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?wp-login\.php(.*)$ [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?wp-admin$
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^$
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^$
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^190.67.302.44$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [R=403,L]

    No matter what I have tried when I got to https://My_IP_Address/wp-login.php the page won’t even load and show me the login screen. How do I allow WordPress to let me login using my home IP (The one I used upon installation) and my mobile hotspot for when I’m not at home?

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  • Dion


    That’s because localhost installations are not designed to connect to the outside world…they’re local. Having said this, if you want to live dangerously, you can edit the Apache configuration to allow outside access. It’s a really bad idea because it opens your system up to DDoS and other attacks, and unlike commercial servers, home systems aren’t hardened against such attacks.

    Also, I’m not aware of any ISP that offers static IP addresses to home accounts, so accessing via IP address can be tricky. Finally, more and more ISPs are blocking “dynamic DNS”, and much like access to port 25, I suspect it will be a thing of the past.

    One way that may work around your problem is to use Teamviewer to let you view the localhost site from a remote PC. Teamviewer will manage the connection into the dynamic IP for you.
    Download from teamviewer.com

    Thread Starter drd161


    Ok so if I were to use my hosting service (HostGator) to use WordPress I assume that would give me an actual domain name which I could us to access my admin dashboard from anywhere as long as I have my HostGator login info?

    Essentially YES, but I feel the need to clarify some details just in case.
    You need to subscribe for domain names separately, they are in addition to your hosting subscription.
    You need to use your HostGator login to:
    – associate the domain names you own and control to the hosting
    – access the website hosting management controls (probably cPanel)
    – enable access to the files on the website (FTP)
    With the above abilities you would install WordPress and manage its hosting, at the domain address you would then use your WordPress admin credentials to manage your website content, themes, plugins etc.

    So I think this is much like you expected, but there are some important distinctions as to what is what.

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