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  • It’s at 600px now, and it’s back to the problem..
    Interesting is that when I “inspect element”, it already goes to the right place, without me even changing anything.. but of course that doesn’t stick…

    Now that you’ve changed it to 600px, I see the issue. Is there any other custom CSS that you’ve added to the site? Also, what page template are you using for the contact page?

    Please let me know and I’ll take another look. Thanks!

    Many, many custom CSS!
    The one that seemed to affect this was actually the one you suggested to remove the header, with these parts added:

    .page-template-full-width-page .hero.with-featured-image, .page-template-default .hero.with-featured-image

    I added those because I was using the full width template
    (here, for example: ) where i didn’t want the sidebar, and for the specific page where I’m having trouble, I’m using the default template (and it’s the only one)..

    Have you tried floating the content left?

    .page-template-default .content-area {
    float: left;

    Yes, just tried and nothing has changed.. so intriguing!

    I was able to “fix” it but increasing the padding-top of the content-wrapper for this page only..
    The only thing is that, of course, the content starts at a different height than all the other pages.. but if there’s no other solution, I’ll live with it!

    Thanks for the update. If you want to try to keep the content consistant, another possible solution is to adjust the padding of .hero.with-featured-image

    Thanks Kevin,
    But I’m not sure how I could use this to make it consistent with the other pages..



    @luttymoreira, I took another look at and found that you were able to fix the full-width pages.

    If you still have any questions about the Goran theme, please let us know.



    Hi Kevin..
    The problem isn’t on that page.. it’s on the contact page

    Like I mentioned before, I was able to get the sidebar where I wanted, but the breadcrumbs are lower on the page than on the other pages, which is a little annoying but not a big deal.

    Also, once you actually send me a message through the contact form, then the sidebar goes back to the bottom, where it’s not supposed to be.. Really strange and I’d love to fix it, but if I can’t find a solution, I can live with it..

    More important for me is what I posted here:

    Thank you for your help, I appreciate it!



    In order to line up the breadcrumbs on the contact page, this CSS should help:

    .page-template-default .content-wrapper {
    padding-top: 22px;
    float: left;
    @media screen and (min-width: 1020px) {
    .widget-area, .content-area {
    padding-top: 50px;

    It looks like @sacredpath has responded to your other question.

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