Thanks for the great response. Just understand that I am managing a project with some 82 tasks and some 200+ subtasks, and Delivery Distance Calculation is less than 0.5% of my project. I actually could not have less interest in it, I just want it to work.
The other plugin adds to my Shipping Methods, and seems to just integrate more cleanly. It uses the shipping address, and does not require entering a THIRD address, the delivery address…which is some how different from the default Shipping address somehow?
And, reactivating Distance Rate Shipping, it just started working again, cleaning integrating with the default Shipping address, connecting to the API, and calculating shipping that adds cleanly to my order.
At this point, I am choosing to negotiate with the authors of the other plugin to add the multi-distance range functionality rather than deal with yours.
I could put some colorful adjectives in front of “horrible”, but will leave it at that.
I would be happy to test some new version, once you have some basic functionality like verifying the API key, and maybe cleaner integration. But I am going to be even less patient, for suffering with this version.
I actually hope that helps you focus on usability, rather than the current focus, which seems to be…how many features can we cram onto the screen?
You could consider, too, once the plugin works, and by that I mean paste the API key and it just works…changing your demo mode to allow maybe 5 Pro calculations, although I guess that would lead to more theft and nulling of your code, but you are already in GPL land. I think it would be a lot less annoying for people evaluating the plugin.