• I just installed the plugin and am doing a test post. I added an image that was instantly transferred to my S3 bucket, but the URL doesn’t change–so while I’m writing the post, I have a broken link instead of the image. In the image link, I can change my domain name to the cloudfront distribution and then I can see the image–both in the admin while composing the post and in the preview. But I imagine it’s not supposed to be like this. So I’m not sure if I’ve done something wrong . . . And I’m not sure how to trouble shoot this. I don’t want to have to change the URL every time.

    Thanks in advance for any help!


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  • Plugin Contributor Brad Touesnard


    Can you post a screenshot of your plugin settings?

    Thread Starter TraciBunkers


    Well, I can’t get the screenshot to show. SO here’s a link to it:

    Plugin Contributor Brad Touesnard


    Can you also post the URL of the broken images?

    Thread Starter TraciBunkers


    This was a test post (unpublished but saved as a draft) where I was trying it–and I changed the link manually to see if it would work with it changed.

    Would an example of the link work? It would be as if the image were in my uploads folder on my site.

    I just added another image to the test post to give you an example link:
    <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4237" alt="boris" src="https://tracibunkers.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/boris.jpg" width="640" height="640" />
    that shows a broken image on my admin. If I change my domain in the src to my cloudfront domain, then it works.

    Thread Starter TraciBunkers


    I deactivated all of my plugins except S3 and cloudfront and the other one it needs to work to see if I had any conflicts, but that didn’t make a difference. I also added www. before my domain name in the cloudfront settings of the S3 and cloudfront plugin, and tried always serving it over https, and neither of those made a difference either.

    Plugin Contributor Brad Touesnard


    Under CloudFront settings you have tracibunkers.com as your CloudFront domain name, but it should be your CloudFront domain name.

    Thread Starter TraciBunkers


    OH! On your screenshot, you have uploads.bradt.ca, and I assumed that was your actual domain and not a cname. With my full cloudfront domain (with .cloudfront.net as part of it), it worked. Thanks!

    So, you’re using a cname and ssl? I looked into it but amazon charges $600/month to use your own SSL certificate, and it looks like that’s the only way to use a cname and https.

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