Hi momoanany,
Thanks for sending the test page, this helped a lot and I was able to reproduce the issue on your test page.
The problem appears to be not in the plugin. I created a temporary test page with the same video on my site and it works in the cardboard mode on my phone running iOS 14.6 just fine (I’m also running 360 View v1.1.0). Please take a look here: https://andrey.mikhalchuk.com/2021/06/02/blerl-test.html. The page is password-protected, the password is “testblerl”without the quotation marks. I also have bunch of test videos and images on the following page and they also work fine in the cardboard mode: https://andrey.mikhalchuk.com/2020/07/09/using-360-degree-photos-in-wordpress.html
The problem seems to be with your web server configuration. Here is how to see the problem:
– open Chrome (desktop Chrome is fine, no need to use the mobile version since this is a server-side problem)
– open the Developer console
– go to the Network tab
– go to your test page: https://blerl.com/test/
– in the Network log you will find line “converted.mp4” with Status “(canceled)” followed by “converted.mp4” that downloads the entire file at once. This is not how the web server is supposed to respond. You can compare this log with the response from the test page on my server I posted above. It “streams” the file with a series of chunks with 206 response and has no canceled responses.
Unfortunately I do not know why this server response affects only the cardboard view, but this is the only difference I found between your test page and mine.
The file has issues too, BTW. I tried to open it with a standalone media player IINA and it was able to play it but reported a problem with subtitles: “Unsupported external subtitle”. I would recommend to re-transcode the media file too, though, since the same file works from my server, the issue is likely not in the file.
Please let me know if you will still see the problem after fixing the web server and re-transcoding the file.
Also please let me know once you checked the test page I created and I’ll delete it including the test video you posted.
I would not recommend using v1.0.1, it has a critical bug that breaks pages under certain versions of WordPress and lacks some features. But if you’re 100% positive that you want it, you can check it out from the development git repository here: https://github.com/rtfms/360-view/commit/8e2e7aa3823a75e658640682f1b267fe9155a360