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  • Hi Sam,

    This only applies to links applied via the standard link tool. NOT to the affiliate link picker.

    Hope this helps ??


    Thread Starter droid


    Thank you Josh for the prompt reply despite unclear exactly what you meant by “standard link tool” and “affiliate link picker”

    1) so could you clarify in details explaining?

    2) Also, does this mean all old affiliates link created prior to
    WordPress update blocking the referral tracking, are safe?

    If not then why not do the right thing by having your developer to update your plugin to accurately correctly adapt to the vital critical issue mentioned
    that way there would be no issue or worries going forward for any thirsty affiliates plugin users who trust that links created by the plugin are 100% reporting with high accuracy all referral without any needless unnecessary loss of sales.

    Your prompt confirmation,is much appreciated today


    Hi Sam,

    1. Link tool refers to how you hook up normal hyperlinks in the WordPress editor, affiliate link picker is the tool you use to insert affiliate links from ThirstyAffiliates:

    2. Yes that is my interpretation.

    This said, you are responsible for testing your own site.

    In my testing I actually haven’t seen this as an issue AT ALL. It sounds like a lot of fear mongering really…

    Example of an inserted external link using the normal link tool (latest WP version), note there are no extra tags inserted by the editor:

    After clicking on said link, you can still see the referrer:

    Hope this helps!


    Thread Starter droid


    Hi Josh,

    Thank you again for the prompt detailed helpfull reply

    As a follow up,

    goal is to remove TinyMCE security features from links added to the rich media ad type in order to not break affiliate links

    Why not add the code suggested in that forum inside your plugin file and TinyMCE will not add those rel tags to links added in post editor.

    I am talking about this code:

    // Stop TinyMCE from adding “noopener noreferrer” to external links with target=”blank”
    function tinymce_allow_unsafe_link_target( $mceInit ) {
    return $mceInit;

    Your prompt confirmation,is much appreciated today


    Hi Sam,

    This code and editor issue isn’t anything to do with the way affiliate links work in ThirstyAffiliates. I’m also dubious as to the necessity of this anyway as explained before in my testing it didn’t present a problem.

    For our plugin we try to take a minimal approach and stick with the core of what our plugin does rather than make it do things outside of the scope of affiliate links.

    You’re more than welcome to add that code to your functions.php but unfortunately we won’t be including it in ThirstyAffiliates.


    Thread Starter droid


    Hello Josh,

    Does Thirsty affilaites have similar security feature like elf links plugin (to help mask affilliate links)

    Your prompt precise answer to above issue,is much apprecaited

    Thank you

    Hi Sam,

    Thanks for getting in touch again!

    In the future, could you please open a new topic instead of replying the old tickets? That way we won’t miss your question as we won’t get notified if you reply the old topics.

    Regarding your question, we don’t have that kind of feature because hiding your affiliate links from Google is not a good thing to do. Google occasionally checks your site. If they found out that your site looks different from Google bot and regular visitors, there’s a chance that you will get banned.

    Google actually doesn’t hate affiliate links, they just don’t like seeing a page full of them. The general rule of thumb is to not overload the page with affiliate links. I recommend less than 5 links per page if possible and of course, you will need a great content in the page too.

    I hope this makes sense ??


    Thread Starter droid


    Hello Josh,
    I turned this support ticket to unresolved so you would be notified and not miss it like last time

    despite removing every Amazon link made by thirsty affiliates on each and every post
    to our surprise still links are showing as active in stat section of of thirsty affiliates

    Question: what is best solution to ensure removed links don’t show up in google console or in the ststs section ?

    Your prompt precise answer to above issue,is much appreciated

    Thank you

    Hi Sam,

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    Regarding the support topic, it’s preferred by WordPress to create a new topic for a new issue instead of replying to your old topic. You can see it’s stated in this page

    One Post – One Question
    If your original question gets answered, don’t use the same post to ask a different question. It may not get answered, since your post title won’t match what you are currently needing help with. Create a new topic for your new question.

    So in the future, please do open a new topic instead of replying your old post.

    Regarding your question, it’s possible that your site hasn’t been re-crawled by Google yet. The only solution is to wait until Google re-crawled your site. Could you please also make sure that your sitemap doesn’t have the thirstylinks in it?

    Also, because this issue is more related to SEO than ThirstyAffiliates (the old links are still indexed by Google), I’m afraid we can’t help you much. In this case, I suggest you hire a SEO expert to help you out with it.

    I hope this makes sense ??


    Thread Starter droid


    Hello Josh,

    I appreciate your patience and prompt response

    I will open a new post next time when question changes
    so for just now and for the sake of keeping the follow up to the question being asked, all in one place,
    I have no choice but to follow up here as you surely can understand.

    At any rate,

    The sitemap, of course, does not have any thirsty links in it as all sitemap links have each post link ONLY
    all thirsty map links are located inside each post in various locations like the beginning of the post or near the end of the post.

    Also, the removal of the links happened over 60 days ago so Google crawling has happened already.

    So again,
    why the thirsty affiliates stats still showing clicks inside WordPress admin?

    I appreciate how you may classify this as SEO question but in all fairness and honesty, it is a core thirsty affiliates issue that I ‘m sure you have encountered from other thirsty affiliates users

    Your prompt precise answer to above issue, is much appreciated

    Thank you

    Hi Sam,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    In order for the Stat add-on to record the clicks, the link should be visited somewhere. It could be your site, other sites, or even email and chat as long as the visitor has the direct link. So even if you have removed the links from your site, there’s a possibility that someone visits the link from outside of your site.

    To make sure that there are no links left on your site, could you please share temporary admin credentials and send it to our support here: Please also include the URL to this topic in the support message and mention that you were trying to resolve this issue with me (Okky).

    Also, could you please let me know the thirstylinks that get visited?

    But please be aware if we can’t find the links on your site, that means that they are visited from outside of your site. In this case, there’s not much we can do about that.

    I hope this makes sense ??


    Thread Starter droid


    Hi Josh,

    Per your request,
    info has been sent by email.

    Your prompt precise resolving to above issue, is much appreciated today

    Thank you

    Hi Sam,

    Thanks for sending the email.

    Unfortunately, I’m afraid we don’t receive any email from you. Maybe there’s something wrong with the email providers. In this case, could you please use the support form instead? You can find the support form here:

    If in any case you can’t submit the support request via the support form, you can try to send it to [email protected]. But I believe the support form is more reliable than sending it directly to the support email address, so please try it first.


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