• Hello and I hope that you are well.

    I would be very appreciative if someone can resolve this urgent website problem for me that I experienced earlier today. I would like to restore my website layout/design to what it was prior to running the last two updates. I believe these 2 updates were theme updates. My current theme is “Twenty Eleven”, version 1.6.

    Is there a way to easily restore my website to its previous version right before the updates? I don’t understand why the theme updates changed my customized design, but I want my website design back!

    To all those out there, the lesson learned is to ALWAYS preview your changes/updates prior to updating!

    Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible!…PLEASE HELP!

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  • If you made changes to theme files, yes, they are lost when the theme is updated. For a default theme, they are lost when WP is updated.

    The way to avoid this problem is to make changes in a Child Theme –

    Do you have a backup of your site? Or see if your hosting company does. If not, no, there is not a way to restore the site.

    Did you customize the original Twenty Eleven files directly, or have you been using a child theme to customize your site?
    Use a child theme for custom designs so that you do not lose the customizations when you update the parent theme.

    Thread Starter bkapt


    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I wrote part of my code and had a web developer help assemble my site, so I am not sure whether the original theme files were customized or a child theme was used.

    I do have a back-up of my site files, so I hope that helps to resolve this situation. Please let me know what you recommend on how to restore my website to its original theme prior to the updates. Do the files need to get uploaded via WordPress and/or my web host company? Also, will re-loading my webpages cause me to lose all blog comments and press releases, too?

    I appreciate your time and effort!

    Site url?

    Thread Starter bkapt



    All pages have been made private until I can get this problem resolved. Please provide your advice as soon as possible.

    Well, that’s rather pointless. we need to be able to examine the full site – not an empty one.

    Thread Starter bkapt


    I can make public for your review. The web content is still there, but the photos and design have been altered. Let me know if you are willing to review and help me remedy the situation. Thanks.

    Thread Starter bkapt


    WordPress needs to make restore points that work like ‘System Recoveries’ that restore your WordPress to the desired version/point in time, especially when it comes to installation updates. It seems all too logical, so I am unclear why this option hasn’t been already been made available.

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