Rin only has two javascript components. One generates quicktag buttons in the comments form, the other causes modern browsers, like Firefox, to smoothly scroll to the #top and #bottom anchors when selected (rather than leaping to them as is the default behavior). Both javascripts have been around for quite some time. They have no known security holes, and there is no way that they could compromise your security.
If you are seriously considering the “slash and burn” security method, you might as well just take yourself completely offline. Yes, WordPress does have known and possibly unknown security holes, but so does MovableType, phpBB, the software that your host uses to manage their servers, PHP itself, your email application, your web browser, and even your entire operating system.
A word of advice, don’t “slash and burn” to avoid security holes. You’ll only make it harder on yourself, and you will eventually run into more security holes along the way. Instead, simply adapt, backup regularly, and take precautions.