Sorry to have this issue. I have made the resolution of it. Would push the changes in the new version tomorrow or day after tomorrow.
To immediate solve this issue just put the below code in your functions.php
function remove_static_page($prev_front_page_id, $new_front_page_id) {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'permalink_customizer' AND post_id = %d", $new_front_page_id));
add_action( 'update_option_page_on_front', 'remove_static_page', 10, 2 );
and then go to settings and Save the Static Page settings again. So, the Permalink of that static page would be deleted and everything works fine for you.
After doing this, Please check the Front Page if all works well so, remove the above mentioned code from the functions.php. As that function would be added in the New version so, you don’t need to take this code multiple time on your site.
Let me know, if you have any other issue.
Please check the Latest Version of the Plugin. I have solved your issue, some other bugs and added some new features in it.
Please make sure to update the Front Page (Just click on update button doesn’t need to do anything else) or save the Settings of WordPress by which you have choose your Static Page as a Front Page. So, your problem would be resolved
Note: Please do not use the code mentioned in my previous comment. You doesn’t need it anymore.
Let me know if the problem still persist for you.
thank you for your reply and your update.
Just updated to latest version, but unfortunately the problem is not solved. The homepage still not loading and the URL still shows “”.
Also, there seems to be another bug: under “Convert Custom Permalink” the page is empty!
Okay, I am not using your code you mentioned before.
Can you please urgently help? Thanks a lot in advance.
Kind regards
Have you resaved the HomePage again as i mentioned that you need to resave the Homepage or resave the settings of wordpress where you make the static as the homepage?
Just needs to push it to WordPress.
Please confirm about your Homepage Issue so, i can make a quick fix.
If the problem still persist for you so, can you provide me your server info to me to view the issue or would you like to have an skype call for a quick review of the issue?
1. Remove the Static HomePage and save the settings
2. Again, Add the HomePage and Save the Settings
3. Check Whether the page starts working for you or not.
thank you for the new updates.
I did it as per your advice: On my Front Page I pressed “update” button and in settings of WordPress I confirmed my Front Page as Static Page. But unfortunately the same issue: still shows /home/ .
Any idea? Thank you in advance.
Kind regards
sorry for my late reply. No, I do not use skype. Do you have any new outcome on this?
Best regards