Are you getting any error messages on your site? The site is coming up blank for me but your server error log may have an explanation.
]]>Apologies! Wasnt sure were to place it, panicked a little lol.
If you view the homepage from IE it reads the below;
The website cannot display the page – HTTP 500
Most likely causes:
– The website is under maitenance.
– The website has a programming error.
Silly question – how do I access my server error log?
]]>Meantime, enable wp_debug and wp_debug_log and after an error, look at wp-content/debug.log to see if anything gets logged there.
You can also try this: Please attempt to disable all plugins, and use one of the default (Twenty*) themes. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles.
If you cannot access wp-admin, there are other ways to deactivate plugins.
]]>It turns out I accidentally deleted two characters from my front-page.php template without noticing …
This was my code at the top.
$backgroundimg = retina_image(get_field('header_image'), 'full', '', TRUE);</em>
As you can see I was missing the “?>
” at the end of the above code. Which was the cause of my front page not displaying.
Thanks again for the help, and sorry for mucking you around!