Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out!
I understand that on your site it is not possible to use a card with a 4-digit card code (CVV) which is what American Express uses and your customers see an “Invalid card” error message.
On my test site it is possible to add four digits there:
On your site I can also enter a test American Express card number and add four digits:
When using a test American Express card both on your site and on mine I’m seeing “Card declined” message which is expected since Square for WooCommerce doesn’t have a test mode.
Please tick the Log debug messages
checkbox in WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Square, save, attempt to place a test order (it’s best if you use an actual American Express card or ask one of your customers to do that), head to WooCommerce >> Status >> Logs, find the Square error log with a timestamp around the time you placed this test order, copy the log and paste it here.
There’s no way to only disable American Express I’m afraid but we’d like to figure out what exactly is happening here.
Thank you!