• Hi! Today I found another weird thing, worth fixing.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, this is how to reproduce it:

    When you need to show a specific piece of code in a given taxonomy, which is not reachable thru the Pages/Posts/Categories tabs, you use URLs or Expressions, right?

    There are situations in which you need to measure ecommerce conversions when using plugins like WooCommerce (WC). I need to insert a conversion pixel in the “/shop/order-received/?several_params..” page, where only “shop” is a page, and “order-received” it’s an endpoint, a virtual taxonomy built in by WC.

    So, since that URL contain custom params for every purchase, you need to use Expressions. So, the code block must be shown whenever the URL contains “order-received” in the string. Thus, the expression should be:


    Looks nice… Except for the fact than when using this, the code block is being shown in THE ENTIRE WEBSITE, actually.

    My question is: is this a bug? or the regex is incorrectly written?


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  • Plugin Author wipeoutmedia


    Thanks Marcelo.

    I have just looked at the commission structure on CodeCanyon and geez it’s unnecessarily complicated now. Talk about smoke and mirrors!!!

    I guess my main beef with marketplaces like CodeCanyon is that they are simply NOT in it for the authors. It is plain to see from the limited author tools to the small percentage they offer if I was to sell non-exclusively through them – a paltry 36%. How could I reinvest funds into further development. I checked out the latest plugins for the last month and some have 10, others 20, and rarely some have more than 100 sales. I understand it is hard to gain traction when you are a new kid on the block.

    Now if I were to sell exclusively, I could earn 50%, but I would have to disable my own store on the CJT website. Selling non-exclusively, I will not be able to sell for any more than what Code Canyon decide, which leads to beef number 2 – they CHOOSE THE PRICE!!! Again, this is highly unfair and a big negative in my opinion. So to sum up, it would be like giving 5 years worth of development effort to a company to exploit. I’d rather give my premium CJT plugin away for free to the community than do that. This is my opinion and I am sure other authors in the higher tiers are doing just fine.

    Sorry for my rant. I know you are trying to help and YES the Envato network and Code Canyon would certainly provide a behemoth amount of traffic and eyeballs on the plugin, which in the long run could provide some much-needed financial returns to keep the development going.

    To be honest, the motivation is back, the fire in the belly is back, and I really want to take the CJT plugin and the premium CJT plugin to the highest levels without selling my soul to Envato or Code Canyon.

    Sorry it has been a long day!!!

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter Marcelo Pedra


    Very happy to read you recovered “the dev fire” :). I’m sure you can keep up with this plugin, as it is the best and unique in its class. It just needs a bit of marketing things to spread the voice.

    Count on me on whatever I can help and I’ll do my best.

    Best regards,

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