• I’ve updated to the latest version of the UM plugin and now, after a user registers and uploads files, the data displayed when tapping the Info link by their name in the Users section displays an incorrect file name and does not show the full link to the file, making it extremely difficult to access uploaded files. Please resolve this ASAP.

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  • Same issue with me after upgrade, how can I access uploaded images, in registration email only getting name of image

    Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @cdransf and @bobray,

    We’ve fixed this issue and the fix will be included to the next plugin update.


    Could you please send me updated files so I can upload it on my website, as I am unable to see members photos before marking them approve.

    Adding on to this. @ultimatemembersupport, do you have an ETA for the plugin udpate? We’re having the same problem.

    Its a big bug as we can not recognize user is actual or not without verifying user profile photo which we can not access, if you please suggest another plugin which can import users from your plugin that will be great!! as we can not leave this as right now!! thank you

    (@bobray We have a paid support plan, so I submitted a support request. If I hear back on an ETA for the fix, I’ll let you know.

    thank you @paul, it will be great help, I am developer by myself but did not want to made changes in core files and my client chasing me to get that fixed,really appreciate for help.

    @bobray, no ETA yet. Here’s the response I received from Support:

    We are final testing the next 2.0.26 version of the plugin and the release will be very soon

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