• I have uploaded the zip file of a theme I want to install into the themes default folder of my hosting account which is Go Daddy, but cannot now open this zip file.I previously opened the zip file in my downloads folder, but when I tried to upload each file, Go Daddy tells me they already exist in the default theme ( Kubrick) for example 404.php


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  • Review the section on adding a new theme in Themes article.

    I am having the same problem. I checked the section Themes and unfortunately it doesnt solve my problem.

    When I upload the file to the GoDaddy server via ftp, I see it in the wp-content, theme folder, but the look doesnt change when I refresh. Thesis is the theme that I chose but I am a little frustrated at this point. I know there is a learning curve and I am willing to take the time to learn but I have been at this point for two days…and its frustrating.

    Can someone either walk me thru or tell me where I can go to pay someone to set this up for me. Thanks,

    well, i’m back…i managed to figure out my problem and solved it, whew…the learning curve for a newbie is vicious! But i am determined to hang in there. Now that i have my theme in place, is there somewhere i can go for a tutorial for (1)creating a navigation bar (2) a home page that is “static” (I think that’s what you call it…i want my visitors to see this page all the time when they first click onto the blog)…am i getting the “lingo” guys? ?? (3) create a list of my blogs that are links to the actual blog information. i know you experts out there may not have time for us “new-jacks”, but, golly give a guy/gal a break!! (said with the best intentions)!

    solved my own problems and figured out how to create nav bar and static page…gettin’ good, if I say so myself…it’s not bad, if you stay with it…things seem to fall in place. Now I will take a look at my post in Changing Backgrounds…see ya’ll.

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