• a8027765


    I have bought a new domain name and want to transfer my website to this new name. It is hosted by 000webhost and I have established the domain name there. I backed up my existing site hoping I could simply restore it to the new domain name. However, because it ios over 50mb thsi featue doesn’t work, so you have to do it manually via ftp. I uploaded .tar.gz file into public folder but nothing happens. I also copied my website (using FTP) to drive c, then again loaded the whole content into public folder of my new domain name. Again nothing and to be honest, my knowledge is really limited. I’m guessing there might be a critical file that needs amending to reflect the new domain, but I’m on the verge of giving up having tried just about every youtube ‘tutorial’ and google search… Any advice would be really appreciated.

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  • esmi




    is it a wordpress site?

    did you backup the database as well from your old site?

    Thread Starter a8027765


    Thx Esme – this is detailed info, that will take me some time to get my head round – but I’ll give it a go!

    Ye, it’s a WordPress site.
    I just followed the 000webhost backup and on’t know if it waswebsite or database or both.
    This is an extract from the back up page.

    ‘But you can also get a fresh backup of your website by clicking the button ‘Generate Fresh Backup’. To make these files available to download click ‘Make Backup Available for Download’ button.’

    And if you have a backup of your website made by our Backup Tool (a8027765.tar.gz), just upload it and your website will be restored.’

    Sounds easy but because it’s over 50mb, it won’t auto upload.



    That backup won’t be of any use for a WordPress site. You need a database backup – not a backup copy of your files.

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