• Resolved TomandBunny


    When uploading an image I am getting the following error.

    Missing a temporary folder.

    This is happening on ALL my sites I have created and upgraded to wordpress 4.4.1

    I contacted my ISP and they said that everything is fine on their end and that they feel it’s a 4.4.1 issue causing this.

    Is anyone else having this problem and is there a fix for it???

    Thank you.

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  • Thread Starter TomandBunny


    Also it appears that non of my plug ins are updating as well.

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    Is anyone else having this problem, it sounds from my ISP they have received many calls regarding this same issue.


    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    I just installed a brand new wordpress 4.4.1 on another domain and went to upload an image and got the same error about missing a temporary folder

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    I read in another support about it being a PHP problem on the host side, they said to create a file to see my php info which I did and the following is set on my host

    upload_tmp_dir /tmp (for local value) /tmp (for master value)

    in wordpress I am not sure where this folder should go, my site is under WWW for the root folder. I didn’t see the folder there so I created it and changed all the permissions to RW for everything.

    Any other help, actually ANY Help would be appreciated! ??


    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    After reading for countless hours, I got it fixed

    TomandBunny, how did you get it fixed??????

    i’ve been pouring through old responses for over a week now and still can’t find a solution. Your’s is the most recent that i’ve seen.

    Thread Starter TomandBunny


    Honestly I am not sure! I read about the /tmp and another post said something about a /wwwtmp I created both and gave the permissions as 777 as suggested and the site started to function again.

    Either that or my ISP got enough calls and fixed it on their end??? of course they will neither confirm or deny, they just say they don’t support wordpress.

    I actually found most of my stuff on Google search, not here.

    oh ok. thanks!

    any online here

    @tomandbunny an ISP is your Internet Service Provider and should be unrelated to this problem. Please double-check your terminology.

    File permissions of 777 are not recommended, and could pose a security risk for your site. You may want to contact your hosting company about this error message to resolve the problem.

    By the sound of things, your PHP system on your website server computer does not have a upload_tmp_dir setting defined. This is fairly technical, and should probably be resolved with your hosting company tech support or server admin team. My guess is that you’ll discover that your host updated the web server PHP version used for your website server, and goofed up the server configuration so that there is no default temp directory.

    Feel free to let us know who your hosting company is so that anyone else with this issue can confirm if they have the same host.



    Hello everyone…. I had the same issue where i was unable to upload images, plugins and even themes.

    After my research I got this done. For those who are still facing issue even after the php.in code snippet here’s a solution.

    Phase 1:

    • Log into Hosting Cpanel of your server or use your FTP.
    • Open public_html folder.
    • Now create a file with a name php.ini.
    • Place the following code inside the file and save it: upload_tmp_dir= /home/(remove brackets and enter your cpanel username)/public_html/wp-content/temp/
    • Create a temp folder at the same location, i.e. /public_html/wp-content/temp.

    Remember it is highly recommanded not to change or skip any step’s above.

    Once this is done follow the 2nd Phase.

    • Log into Hosting CPanel
    • Locate wp-config.php file in the root of your wordpress site.
    • Add this code at the end of the file and Save it: define(‘WP_TEMP_DIR’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-content/temp/’);

    And that’s it. It must work now. For me this worked as my hosting is on Godaddy.

    Thanks for your input @harshitp123 your steps are probably correct for your hosting environment, I’m glad that worked for you.

    But as I had mentioned in my previous post in this thread, the upload_tmp_dir PHP configuration may vary by hosting company, and I would not assume that your example works for everyone who may read this thread. For example, some hosts use Nginx instead of Apache, and the patch to a temporary directory will probably have a different structure than you’ve proposed here. E.g. a temp folder path might look more like /tmp or maybe like /var/www/tmp or something else.

    The point is, anyone reading this thread should confer with their hosting company about the system PHP upload_tmp_dir setting for their server to get it right. In fact, their default configuration for PHP really should have the upload_tmp_dir directory setup correctly by default, and by bringing this problem to their attention, they can fix it for everyone – saving lots of people your frustration and confusion.

    I was able to fix this on my 000webhost site by putting a /tmp folder in the same directory as my public_html, i deleted the tmp folder for some reason when i migrated, i put it back and everything is fine now.

    Hi @oldmanbeefjerky,

    I am using 000webhost as well but I can’t create a new folder inside my public_html. I get an error of this when creating a folder.

    ftp_mkdir(): 21776 Kbytes used (2%) – authorized: 1024000 Kb

    Can you help me with this?

    – Anne

    have you tried using the 000webhost onlinetools? could be just that your ftp client isnt doing it right, however i remade my tmp folder with filezilla

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