• I am trying to get the plugin to permit this file to be uploaded.


    How do I write it?

    I tried epub = image/.eps, but it did not work.

    So how does it need to be written for it to work?

    I followed the below instructions

    About the mime type value for the file extension, please search "mime type [file extension name] using a search engine.
    Ex. epub = application/epub+zip
    Reference: Media Types on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
    * If the added mime type does not work, please deactivate other mime type plugins or the setting of other mime type plugins. 
    * Ignore to the right of "#" on a line. 
    * If the head in each line is set to "-", then the MIME type restricts.
    ex. -bmp = image/bmp
    The files which has "bmp" file extention becomes not to be able to upload.
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