• Gravity Forms Version 1.7.12
    WordPress Version 3.8
    Gravity Forms Directory & Addons v3.4.5
    I did this:
    I created a directory with specific selections for single entry form.

    I expected the plugin to do this:
    I expected to see the photo that they uploaded to show on the single entry view.

    Instead it did this:
    It doesn’t show up.

    Here’s a link to see what I mean:

    Also is there a way to have the photo be sized consistently when viewed in directory list view.


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  • I have the same problem.
    I have investigated a little within the code of gravity-forms-addons.php and I see that you remove the fileupload in the case select. If I add this option it returns the next message in the log:
    Call to undefined method GFDirectory::get_icon_url()

    I understand that tha failure is due the lost of piece of code to complete this functionality, specially filters pieces like kws_gf_directory_lead_image.

    This problem is discussed in many forum threads but not solved:

    My temporal solution, edit the file gravity-forms-addons.php and change the switch piece code by this one:

    							case "section" :
    	                            if(!GFCommon::is_section_empty($field, $Form, $lead) || $display_empty_fields){
    	                                $is_last = $count >= $field_count ? true : false;
    	                                    <td colspan="2" class="entry-view-section-break<?php echo $is_last ? " lastrow" : ""?>"><?php echo esc_html(GFCommon::get_label($field))?></td>
    	                        case "captcha":
    	                        case "html":
    	                        case "password":
    	                        case "page":
    	                            //ignore captcha, html, password, page field
    	                        case "post_image" :
    							case "fileupload" :
    								$value = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value($lead, $field);
    								$valueArray = explode("|:|", $value);
    								@list($url, $title, $caption, $description) = $valueArray;
    								$size = '';
    									//displaying thumbnail (if file is an image) or an icon based on the extension
    									 $icon = GFEntryList::get_icon_url($url);
    									 if(!preg_match('/icon\_image\.gif/ism', $icon)) {
    									 	$lightboxclass = '';
    									 	$src = $icon;
    									 	if(!empty($getimagesize)) {
    											$size = @getimagesize($src);
    											$img = "<img src='$src' {$size[3]}/>";
    										} else {
    											$size = false;
    											$img = "<img src='$src' />";
    									 } else { // No thickbox for non-images please
    									 	switch(strtolower(trim($postimage))) {
    									 		case 'image':
    									 			$src = $url;
    									 		case 'icon':
    									 			$src = $icon;
    									 	if(!empty($getimagesize)) {
    											$size = @getimagesize($src);
    										} else {
    											$size = false;
    									 $img = array(
    									 	'src' => $src,
    									 	'size' => $size,
    									 	'title' => $title,
    									 	'caption' => $caption,
    									 	'description' => $description,
    									 	'url' => esc_attr($url),
    									 	'code' => isset($size[3]) ? "<img src='$src' {$size[3]} />" : "<img src='$src' />"
    									 //$img = apply_filters('kws_gf_directory_lead_image', apply_filters('kws_gf_directory_lead_image_'.$postimage, apply_filters('kws_gf_directory_lead_image_'.$lead['id'], $img)));
    									 $value = $display_value = "<a href='{$url}'{$target}{$lightboxclass}>{$img['code']}</a>";
    $content = '
                                        <th colspan="2" class="entry-view-field-name">' . esc_html(GFCommon::get_label($field)) . '</th>
                                        <td colspan="2" class="entry-view-field-value' . $last_row . '">' . $display_value . '</td>
                                    $content = apply_filters("gform_field_content", $content, $field, $value, $lead["id"], $Form["id"]);
                                    echo $content;
    							default :
    								//ignore product fields as they will be grouped together at the end of the grid
                                    $has_product_fields = true;
                                $value = RGFormsModel::get_lead_field_value($lead, $field);
                                $display_value = GFCommon::get_lead_field_display($field, $value, $lead["currency"]);
                                $display_value = apply_filters("gform_entry_field_value", $display_value, $field, $lead, $Form);
                                if($display_empty_fields || !empty($display_value) || $display_value === "0"){
                                    $is_last = $count >= $field_count && !$has_product_fields ? true : false;
                                    $last_row = $is_last ? " lastrow" : "";
                                    $display_value =  empty($display_value) && $display_value !== "0" ? "&nbsp;" : $display_value;
                                    $content = '
                                        <th colspan="2" class="entry-view-field-name">' . esc_html(GFCommon::get_label($field)) . '</th>
                                        <td colspan="2" class="entry-view-field-value' . $last_row . '">' . $display_value . '</td>
                                    $content = apply_filters("gform_field_content", $content, $field, $value, $lead["id"], $Form["id"]);
                                    echo $content;
    					} // End switch

    I expected the plugin to do this:
    I expected to see the uploaded Aspire ID logo show on the single entry view.

    Instead it did this:
    It shows up in the directory listings but not the single entry view.

    Here’s a link to see what I mean:


    Your fix worked for me. Thank you!

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