Upload to FTP never finishes
after upgrading to version 3, I had problems with my backups. 3.0.4 now never finishes uploading to my FTP. The archive should be around 550 MB, but only around 330 MB gets uploaded.Please, fix the plugin soon. It’s my favorite backup solution for WP and I don’t want to be forced to switch.
Thank you
[INFO] BackWPup version 3.0.4; WordPress version 3.4.2; A project of Inpsyde GmbH developed by Daniel Hüsken [INFO] This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. [INFO] BackWPup job: New cestovatel backup; DBDUMP+FILE+WPEXP [INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 4 * * *; út, 5 B?e 2013 @ 04:00 [INFO] BackWPup job started manually [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.3.21; cgi-fcgi; Linux [INFO] Maximum script execution time is 90 seconds [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.23 [INFO] curl ver.: 7.19.7; NSS/ [INFO] Temp folder is: /data/web/virtuals/16321/virtual/www/domains/************/backwpup-temp/ [INFO] Logfile folder is: /data/web/virtuals/16321/virtual/www/domains/************/backwpup-logs/ [INFO] Backup type is: archive [INFO] Backup file is: /data/web/virtuals/16321/virtual/www/domains/************/backwpup_new_2013-03-05_00-30-06.tar.gz [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] 1. Try for database dump … [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Connected to database ************ on ************ [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "ahm_files" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "bookshelf_sales" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_commentmeta" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_comments" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_geo_mashup_administrative_names" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_geo_mashup_location_relationships" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_geo_mashup_locations" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_links" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_ngg_album" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_ngg_gallery" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_ngg_pictures" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:06] Dump database table "wp_options" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:07] Dump database table "wp_postmeta" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:07] Dump database table "wp_posts" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_subscribe2" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_term_relationships" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_term_taxonomy" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_terms" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_usermeta" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_users" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_wangguardcronjobs" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_wangguardoptions" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_wangguardquestions" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_wangguardreportqueue" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_wangguardsignupsstatus" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Dump database table "wp_wangguarduserstatus" [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Added database dump "travel.sql.gz" with 1,37 MB to backup file list [05-B?e-2013 00:30:08] Database dump done! [05-B?e-2013 00:30:09] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up … [05-B?e-2013 00:30:14] 543 folders to back up. [05-B?e-2013 00:30:15] 1. Trying to make a WordPress export to XML file … [05-B?e-2013 00:30:27] Added XML export "johnny-na-cestach.wordpress.2013-03-05.xml.gz" with 4,03 MB to backup file list. [05-B?e-2013 00:30:27] 1. Trying to create backup archive … [05-B?e-2013 00:30:27] Compression method is TarGz [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] Backup archive created. [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] Archive size is 547,74 MB. [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] 8780 Files with 582,95 MB in Archive. [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] 1. Try to send backup file to a FTP Server … [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] Connected to FTP server: ************:21 [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] FTP Client command: USER ************ [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] FTP Server reply: User ************ logged in. [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] FTP Client command: SYST [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] FTP Server reply: UNIX [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] FTP current folder is: /johnny-na-cestach/ [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] FTP Client command: PASV [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] FTP Server reply: Entering passive mode [05-B?e-2013 00:35:04] Upload to FTP now started … [05-B?e-2013 00:46:17] WARNING: Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes. [05-B?e-2013 00:46:17] 2. Try to send backup file to a FTP Server … [05-B?e-2013 00:46:18] Connected to FTP server: ************:21 [05-B?e-2013 00:46:18] FTP Client command: USER *********** [05-B?e-2013 00:46:18] FTP Server reply: User ************* logged in. [05-B?e-2013 00:46:18] FTP Client command: SYST [05-B?e-2013 00:46:18] FTP Server reply: UNIX [05-B?e-2013 00:46:18] FTP current folder is: /johnny-na-cestach/ [05-B?e-2013 00:46:18] FTP Client command: PASV [05-B?e-2013 00:46:18] FTP Server reply: Entering passive mode [05-B?e-2013 00:46:18] Upload to FTP now started … [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] WARNING: Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes. [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] 3. Try to send backup file to a FTP Server … [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] Connected to FTP server: ************:21 [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] FTP Client command: USER ************ [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] FTP Server reply: User ************ logged in. [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] FTP Client command: SYST [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] FTP Server reply: UNIX [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] FTP current folder is: /johnny-na-cestach/ [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] FTP Client command: PASV [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] FTP Server reply: Entering passive mode [05-B?e-2013 00:57:22] Upload to FTP now started … [05-B?e-2013 01:08:30] WARNING: Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes. [05-B?e-2013 01:08:30] One old log deleted [05-B?e-2013 01:08:30] Job done in 2305 seconds.
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