• I upgraded my version of wordpress and everything was working fine until yesterday. If I try to upload a photo or browse all photos, instead of the usual popping up, the dashboard loads in the image space. Any ideas?

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  • I had this problem, and a similar one with an upload plugin called flexible upload. (also using WordPress on a Windows server as some of the posters above).

    I eventually found the problem in a sevrer variable:
    which created the path, but left out the script’s filename.
    Changing it to $_SERVER[‘PHPSELF’] resolved the problem.

    Unfortunately, in this case, I was unable to find a similar variable in the upload.php file (clean_url() comes from which file?).

    Anyway, the workaround mention above worked for me, too.



    mparkes and bozley are right on the money. My problem is solved!

    Not sure what you meant gosforth, I could never find that line.

    BTW, I’m NOT on a windows server. So, it appears to occur on unix as well.

    mparkes and bozely were bang on the money for me too, running 2.3.3 with a Windoze box



    Just updated to Version 2.3.3 on windows server thinking the problem would be corrected…but no joy. Now marvelously corrected thanks to mparkes and bozely.

    Thanks for the fix mparkes and bozely AND gosforth; I had to add
    immediately after
    $r = '';
    in wp-admin/includes/upload.php

    I applied the changes suggested by mparkes and it worked like a dream! Thanks so much!

    Thank you so much mparkes. I made the changes to the two different upload.php files you suggested and things appear to be working properly now.

    Since things seem to be okay, I haven’t done the change that bozley suggested yet. But I have bookmarked this page for future reference!

    FYI- I’m running WP.org version 2.3.2 on a Windows server.

    Once again… Thanks to everyone and especially mparkes! I have no previous experience with php, so your help was indispensable.

    Happy Blogging!!

    I did have to make Bozley’s change also. I thought everything was okay but when I tried to go to page 2 of uploads I got the dashboard (both on the “Write” page and the “Manage/Uploads). Bozley’s recommendation fixed that.

    Thank You Bozley!

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