In Table IX-D7.1 you can specify the parent of an album created at the album admin page under the button: Create new empty album.
In Table IX-D7.2 you can specify – if you want so – the parent album of any front-end created album, if it is not by an administrator.
Basically I don’t want any sub-albums I want them all list on the same page, when someone wants to create an album I want it to create it on that page. Is this possible?
Albums are not bound to or associated in any way to a page.
So, these are my recommendations:
– Do NOT give the front-end users Album Admin rights in Table VII-A
– Create a ‘users root’ album for the front-end users
– Select that root album in Table IX-D7.2
If not already done so:
– Enable frontend album creation ( Table VII-B1 )
– Set the parents of the existing albums that belong to this situation to the ‘users root’ album