• Resolved egerlach


    For every pic I load up I need to select gallery again. Why? It’s time consuming! Last gallery should be displayed as default. (BTW: I have only one gallery.)

    Loading up several pics makes aggressive, because every second time something it “wrong” while uploading …. and I have to search the pics again. The area for drag-and-drop is too small! If I don’t hit the small area, the pic is displayed and all other pics I wanted to upload are disappeard … and I have to select again. it nerves!!

    Why are there no thumbs shown directly after upload, e.g. at bottom? I want to see what I just uploaded and maybe delete them again. Adress to wordpress pic upload: perfectly done!!!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by egerlach.
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  • Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @egerlach,

    I am sorry to hear of the image upload problems that you seem to encounter. You are definitely not supposed to manually upload the images one by one and you should be able to upload entire batches of images but first of all, lets contact the hosting provider to make sure that your domain supports the following requirements: https://www.imagely.com/docs/requirements/

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