• had no problem uploading same images and pdf files 6 months ago, but now keep getting this error:

    “has failed to upload due to an error
    Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/preflightventures.com/httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/2016/05. Is its parent directory writable by the server?”

    Store uploads in this folder into to “wp-content/uploads” (which is already the default.

    Still not work. Please help? Thank you.

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  • You may need to reset the permissions on a folder somewhere via FTP. Your hosting provider should be able to advise how to do this.

    Same issue here…. not sure what to do.. Message I get is Unable to create directory wp-content-uploads/2016/05. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    I tryed these but didnt work also

    first solution1:

    add_filter( ‘wp_image_editors’, ‘change_graphic_lib’ );

    function change_graphic_lib($array) {
    return array( ‘WP_Image_Editor_GD’, ‘WP_Image_Editor_Imagick’ );
    ============ OR ========
    Second Solution
    or may be issues with:
    The issue was related to my server configuration not having the proper amount of memory allocated to Apache/PHP.

    If anyone has this same problem, please try verifying that you have enough (64MB+) server memory allocated to Apache/PHP in your server configuration settings.
    You can also add this to your wp-config.php file:
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64MB’);

    Third solution:
    Connect to your website using the FTP client and then go to /wp-content/ directory. There you will see /uploads/ folder. Right click on the uploads directory and give file permission 755.

    let me know if among three of not working

    hi please help me soon i am facing a problem 20 days my website not good working i install new wp 4.5.1 fresh install delete all my data from c panel but problem is upload any file image media , missing temporary folder , ichek all wp sport forum and try many file tmp php.ini but not solve problem

    Try changing the permissions on the wp-content directory to 766. If you still have problems, try 767, 775 or 777. Once your uploads are working, change the permissions on wp-content back to 755 again and check that everything still works OK.

    missing temporary folder not resolved

    Try changing the permissions on the wp-content directory to 766. If you still have problems, try 767, 775 or 777. Once your uploads are working, change the permissions on wp-content back to 755 again and check that everything still works OK.
    I tried all these things but not working again same error, missing temporary folder, what problim tell me please

    Please try this
    go into the WordPress administrative back end, into the “Settings -> Miscellaneous” section, and reset the “Store Uploads in this folder” setting (Under “Uploading Files”) to the default value (“Default is wp-content/uploads”).

    I had the same issue, after updating WordPress to 4.5.2 tried all of the above, CHMOD etc, but this is what worked

    ‘go into the WordPress administrative back end, into the “Settings -> Miscellaneous” section, and reset the “Store Uploads in this folder” setting (Under “Uploading Files”) to the default value (“Default is wp-content/uploads”)’.

    Although it’s not Settings>Miscellaneous, it’s Settings>Media.

    My original entry was the full hosting path, eg.

    Many Thanks ‘yongsin’

    go into the WordPress administrative back end, into the “Settings -> Miscellaneous” section, and reset the “Store Uploads in this folder” setting (Under “Uploading Files”) to the default value (“Default is wp-content/uploads”).
    i can not understand it where these setting

    Go to Settings > Media then delete the path under “Uploading Files”.
    DO NOT add the default wp-content/uploads

    This works with me after moving my site.


    I went into my settings, Media and didn’t see the path under “Uploading Files.” Is there suppose to be a php.ini file in the wordpress folder?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by macmikeal. Reason: Want notified if receive an answer
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