Upload file size: Media Library vs. plugins
I have a website hosted with FatCow running on PHP 5.6.6. I am able to edit my php.ini file so that my post_max_size and upload_max_filesize values are 50MB. When I use the Upload New Media function WordPress Media Library, it displays an upload size limit of 50MB and I can upload images with file sizes as large as needed. So far, so good.
But I have installed three different plugins to allow users to add images to their comments, and all of these fail with file sizes larger than 50kb (that’s “kb” and not “MB”). If the file size is too large, my users see an error message 413 “Request Entity Too Large.”
I don’t understand why this happens. If all three plugins are failing in the same way, then I suspect that something in my WordPress installation is at fault, not the plugins. The plugins use the same method to upload as the Media Library: a form with an input field set to type=”file”.
My website uses Comment Image by Stefano Lissa, but I’ve also tried Comment Images by Carmen Sancheze and Comment Attachment by latorante. My site is at https://notthatmiketheothermike.com/
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