So my issue is the WordPress uploads manager.
It does upload files but then does not recognize the files. Or give an indication that it successfully uploaded( hangs up). So It does not matter if I FTP into Upload dir or ask the manager to do it. The manager does display an empty slot. But the ones I manualy upload do not even get that. I guess it’s broke.
I also use Profile Builder. It uploads an avator into the manager with no problem. I see it in media and the upload works fine. It is the Media Libray that does not have a proper upload.
Is there any fixing it?
It is not critical. I have worked around it.
As another indication was the BD category images, would not show success or failure a few days ago. I FireBugged the broken image and saw it was referencing the 06 directory. Looking at the upload dir there was no 06 dir. So I made one manually and FTP the image into it. Then went back and did the upload again from WPDB and the image showed. So that part is broken too.
So you might think Profile Builder over-wrote something, but with it deactivated, the media library uploads but the image does not show. Then you open the image and still no showing, the clicking edit and you see the image. But that is the only place you see it properly(2 click deep).