• Resolved aaronos


    Going around in circles here so hopefully someone can help.

    Am using WP Job Manager and WooCommerce subscriptions on the Listify theme on wordpress

    On our site – https://www.tattsamistake.com a business can choose to list their clinic either as a ‘free listing’; ‘featured’ or ‘premium’ (the last 2 are paid listings). All of these are listing subscriptions and associated with a particular listing.

    Now over time I want a clinic on a free listing to upgrade to a featured listing, a featured to upgrade to a premium etc but……

    Nowhere in the ‘My Account’ section does there seem to be the ability to change a subscription type.

    In the WooCommerce Subscription settings I have ‘able to upgrade/downgrade’ selected.

    Looking at the WooCommerce Subscription documentation, it seems that to be able to upgrade or downgrade, my products either need to be ‘variable subscriptions’ or ‘grouped products’ – but to associate a listing with a package it seems to be the case that I have to use ‘listing subscriptions’ and I can’t find anyway to tell WooCommerce subscriptions that they are ‘related’ products and upgradeable/downgradeable.

    Bottom line is – I want a business to buy a package to list their business, and then at a later stage be able to change the subscription.

    Can someone please tell me if

    a) I am missing something fundamental that I need to change
    b) is there an elegant solution that I am missing
    c) is there an ugly-workaround that I can use!

    Thanks in advance


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  • @rwolfenden – just wanted to come back and thank you. I did get it working with your suggestion, although I’ve not used the functionality on the site.

    What I’d really like to enable is for people to upgrade their individual listing from say standard to featured. I might be able to accomplish this with a site that only allowed single listings. However, at the moment, it seems that if I want to offer either listing packages or listing package subscriptions with the option of featured, is to either bundle a combination into a package or have a few choices (i.e. 1, 10, 100 listings) with ‘standard’ listings, and the same again for featured, which could be 6+ subscription choices on the page. I haven’t so far, found a way to have payment terms as a variable i.e. monthly, bi-annual, yearly with correponding savings; nor no of listings, with WC Paid listings/WC Subscriptions.

    If someone posts a ‘job’ as standard but then wants to give it more exposure and make it featured, I can’t find a way to make that happen save for duplicating the listing and using a new listing from a listing package [subscription’] that includes featured listings…

    Any ideas?

    Hey @mrsminkie, glad you got it working but not sure I quite follow that last part ??

    I got the functionality working to the point where I have three levels of Subscription Package and the user can migrate between them (upgrade or downgrade) as they wish, each listing the user creates is linked to one of these Subscription Packages.

    – Free
    – Standard
    – Premium

    Each package comes with different levels of “features” that enable the user to promote their profile further in more engaging ways, for example – the Premium level includes features like the User being able to take Bookings, or sell their own products – this feature is not included in the Free and Standard levels.

    It’s all controlled by Custom Fields using the Custom Field Editor and Theme / Plugin functionality – I dont really need to do much when the user changes their Subscription Level, the User profile also doesnt need duplicating – it just “adds” the additional features or removes them when they migrate to another package.

    I guess it also depends on what you mean by “Featured” – does this mean locked to the top of a listings page for example? Or their listing tile on the page being presented differently?

    Hi @rwolfenden.

    Thanks for your reply and apologies for my being slow to respond.

    Essentially, I’m using this set up for 2 different sites: one where the users will more than likely only have one listing so to upgrade/downgrade across one listing is simple enough. However, I want to use the same set up for a site where users will likely have many listings which I’d like then to be able to upgrade if they want to i.e. to sell an item they may list as standard first then upgrade to premium for more exposure. I can’t work out how to handle that process where people will be buying subscription packages that allow multiple listings. I think I’m going to have to try it first and see where I get to. Will report back if it’s of interest!

    Thanks again.

    @aaronos did you find any solution to group the variable subscriptions together? I am facing the same issue

    Plugin Contributor Dan (a11n)


    Hi there!

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    Hey @rwolfenden, I am also trying to setup subscription packages where user can upgrade/downgrade between them, I see that you have figured out a workaround for this problem, I want to congratulate you for that and I’m eager to see it in my site, I will really appreciate if you can send step-by-step document to implement your solution in my website. As I’m a beginner in wordpress, I’m not much use the process.

    Thanks in advance.


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