Upgraded wordpress = broken WP dashboard
Forgive my ignorance, I am by no means a pro with wordpress.
Here is the site with the problem: https://www.wgpg.co.uk
I attempted to upgrade my WordPress installation automatically through the dashboard today and got an error mid way through the installation. So I logged in by ftp and did a manual update, replacing the files and got the site back up and running.
However the theme that is currently in use appears to not fully work with the latest version of WordPress. The site runs fine when you visit it, but when you try to login to the WordPress dashboard (https://www.wgpg.co.uk/wp-admin/) I get this message:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare submit_button() (previously declared in /nfs/c01/h12/mnt/37873/domains/wgpg.co.uk/html/wp-content/themes/pandora/options/codegen.php:43) in /nfs/c01/h12/mnt/37873/domains/wgpg.co.uk/html/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 1574
I realize that part of the new WP installation is not communication with the pandora theme I am using. If I disable the theme by renaming the theme folder by ftp, the WordPress dashboard works correctly.
Please could someone help me figure out if this can be fixed?
Thanks so much!
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