upgraded but ooops!
So I upgraded to the latest wordpress and now the appearance icon in the dashboard for users is gone. Users can’t change themes and some user themes are now just a blank white screen, need help asap on this.
Blank white screen = errors. Check your error logs.
Dis you disable plugins before upgrading? No? Go disable them in a hurry by renaming the plugins folder.
Ok so that helped. Buttttt If a user changes their themes or a new user signs up and changes their themes it changes it across the board. And If I remove a user it still keeps thier username and email address on record somewhere so they cannot sign back up. says User name already in use. I guess maybe the best thing to do is just do a fresh install of the old wordpress and wait until some of the bugs are worked out.
If a user changes their themes or a new user signs up and changes their themes it changes it across the board.
What plugins are you using?
Buttttt If a user changes their themes or a new user signs up and changes their themes it changes it across the board.
this is not default behavior, either a plugin is mucking it up or your install is hosed somehow.
It most definitely does *not* work that way. they use it on wordpress.com, that’s what you’ll get (more or less).
And If I remove a user it still keeps thier username and email address on record somewhere so they cannot sign back up.
Cuz there’s a registration log in the db. If you get hit with 7943856297834560842356 spammers and remove them, you sure as heck do not want them signing up again.
Hi Andrea,
I am not trying to be negative. At this point I have all plugins disabled. the thing is that the themes and users all worked correctly before the update. So the question is what would have happened to change that. What I will do instead of using the old version is just do a fresh insatll with the newversion. And maybe that is the best way. I know sometimes with Microsoft and Linux that updates can affect computers differently. This really is an awesome program and I hope to learn it well enough to be able to contribute back to it.WordPress, ON ITS OWN, does not exhibit the behavior you describe. Therefore you are using a plugin (or some modification) that is causing the behavior OR you have a bad install. The reason Andrea and I go to plugins first is that 90% of the time the problem is a plugin with bad behavior that is misbehaving with the upgrade. Basically it may not like the new WordPress files. And yeah, MAYBE we could say that’s WordPress, but most of the time, in my experience, it’s from a Plugin doing something wrong that just didn’t flag an error before.
1) When you turned off ALL plugins, did you remember the ones that are in mu-plugins?
2) What plugins are you running? Some don’t turn off well.
3) Try a manual re-upload of the core WordPress files.Thanks always to everyone for fast reponse and help. I am reinstalling the core files now
Ok, I have now completely did a fresh install. I have zero Plugins.
I am setup up for what I think is multi sites. A person registers, gets sent a confirmation email with an actvation link. After Activiating If the person is not an adminitrator they have no Appearance options. If given Administrator options and they go and login and choose a theme then It changes everybodys theme.This is a complete fresh install.
Ok, I think I figured out where I blundered big time.
I am getting the user registration and site regestrations mixed up.
I want people to be able to sign up for a new site undermine not as a user.
Hope that makes sense.
Under Site Admin -> Options, where it says registration, what do you have picked?
Also, a link to your site would help. I can find the issue in way less time that way.
Hi Andrea,
I had Option Number three Checked, But no regestration option appears.
So I am now using option number 4 but New sites are not created. It sends out an email and says to click on the activation link but when you try to login to your site it says the there is no site by that name.Allow new registrations
Registration is disabled.
User accounts may be registered.
Logged in users may register new sites.
Both sites and user accounts can be registeredIf I login as admin it will show the correct info.
If I create a new site as admin then all works fine.Currently only have one user to help me trobleshoot until this is figured out.
Like I said.
Also, a link to your site would help. I can find the issue in way less time that way.
Hi Andrea,
Haven’t meesed with it much been busy being sick LOL.
Actually, I went through your signup process and the new site that is created is a blank white screen. Did you remove twentyTen? The default theme? Because that will do it.
Also, I tried logging in to the main site, and it gave me a common error associated with plugins.
Turn your plugins OFF.
Whatever you’re managing to see on your end isn’t actually the issue.
I cheat. https://gamepursuit.com/wp-content/themes/twentyten/style.css exists. ??
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