• Resolved Rate That Rescue


    I was using WordPress 4.4.2 with Wordfence 6.1.x on two WordPress installations on the same virtual server (one in root for one site; one in subdirectory for another site).

    Upgraded both to WordPress 4.5 and upgraded Wordfence to 6.1.3 (both latest)

    Wordfence in the root install still works fine
    Wordfence in the subdirectory install is broken. It will not save options or get a free API key.


    Cannot save any settings in Wordfence options. Can make changes but they are not saved.
    Wordfence keeps asking for admin alert email, but does not save it. This seems related to no options being saved.
    Error banner: Wordfence could not get an API key. But there is full outbound internet connectivity.
    Log out and back in, no change
    I’ve deleted Wordfence and reinstalled it, no change

    I have not configured WAF on either site, as I need Wordfence working again in the subdirectory site first.

    I’ve never had a problem on previous upgrades to WordPress or Wordfence.


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  • Hello HeathNWB,
    if you could check to see if you have the wfConfig table (while having the issue), that would be great.

    You log in to cpanel via your host. In cpanel you look for a “databases” section and you should find a link to phpMyAdmin there. Clicking it will (hopefully) automatically log you in to it. In phpMyAdmin you’ll see a list of databases in the left column. Locate the one your WordPress is installed in. Click on the name of the database to display all tables in it, see if you can find a table called wp_wfConfig there. (wp_ is the prefix you choose for your WordPress tables when installing. It can be different from wp_).

    groundskeeper, thanks for the additional information.

    OK. Found wfConfig. It appears in the directory, but when I click on it, it says “not found.” Same is true for both my sites hosted by NameCheap.

    Thanks HeathNWB! Seems like we have found a pattern here then. Now we just have to find a solution. ??

    Thread Starter Rate That Rescue


    It’s not the PHP memory limit. It just reoccurred on one of the WordPress installs. Now using 6.1.5.

    Hello Rate That Rescue,
    are you on Namecheap hosting too?

    It seems to happen once per week. When I dropped the table then reinstalled Wordfence, It still brought up the corrupt table. The table appears in the database but when I look at it I get: wp_wfConfig.MYD’ not found (Errcode: 2).

    I have to restore the old tables to get it to work again. Namecheap has two virus scans but I can’t seem to find the reports.

    Hello again groundskeeper,
    when did this last happen? Our devs did a fix yesterday that should have come in effect on all sites immediately. We are not 100% certain that it will fix the situation on Namecheap though.

    It seems to have happen between 8:02 am on May 2nd and around 4pm yesterday. Namecheap states that the ClamAV may be causing the problem and reconfigured it suggesting that it has been fixed. I’ll let you know if there are any more problems.

    I can say that whatever the devs did seems to have resolved the issue here. I rebuilt the wordfence environment and ran a new scan. Then ran a clamscan on the wfConfig.MYD table and it found no issues.
    Which means that maldetect won’t move that table to quarantine.
    Thanks for resolving!

    I just installed 6.1.6 and it didn’t fix the saving problem. So, I uninstalled it completely and reinstalled. Still not saving options. I also tried disabling config caching. ??

    Hello HeathNWB,
    did you delete your Wordfence tables when reinstalling?

    Delete wp_wfConfig?

    Also, there’s no delete option, just “drop.” Same thing? Sorry for my ignorance.

    Hello HeathNWB,
    yes drop is the same thing as delete! Reason for doing this is that sometimes it’s possible that some error is lingering in a table. You can drop the tables before reinstall either by choosing this option in Wordfence settings before deactivation or by manually going in to the database (for example via phpMyAdmin) and dropping all wordfence tables.

    Make sure you are only dropping WORDFENCE tables though of course, not your WordPress tables. Wordfence tables follow this pattern:


    For example


    Here is a full list of all Wordfence tables


    Oh, cool. That worked. It’s allowing me to save options now. Thanks so much for dumbing it down for me!

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