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  • Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    Just update ??

    The new version adds new features and fixes a fatal error that I have found when doing testing with WP 4.4, if you don’t get that error good for you ?? but in any case the update is recommended.

    Thread Starter Beherit


    Okay, I upgrade plugin and nothing happened ??

    Thread Starter Beherit


    Hmmm strange – now I have problem with Contact Form 7. Custom “FROM Name” and “FROM Address” are ingored, header “Reply-to” doesn’t work :/

    Thread Starter Beherit


    Before upgrade:

    Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 12:02:34 +0000
    To: Beherit <[email protected]>
    From: Krzysztof <[email protected]>
    Subject: Test
    Message-ID: <[email protected]>
    X-Priority: 3
    X-Mailer: SAR Friendly SMTP 1.0.2 – WordPress Plugin
    Reply-to: Krzysztof <[email protected]>
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    X-Antivirus-Scanner: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus

    After upgrade:

    Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 12:21:20 +0000
    To: Krzysztof Grochocki <[email protected]>
    From: “My site name” <[email protected]>
    Subject: Test 2
    Message-ID: <[email protected]>
    X-Priority: 3
    X-Mailer: SAR Friendly SMTP 1.1 – WordPress Plugin
    Reply-to: Krzysztof <[email protected]>
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    X-Antivirus-Scanner: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus

    Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    Can you please tell me what steps I need to follow to reproduce the issue in a fresh install of WP and Contact Form 7? I will try to reproduce it.

    Thread Starter Beherit


    I’ve done some test and and there is some problem with “FROM Field Settings (Optional)” – now this settings replace FROM name/address.

    Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    The FROM field settings are only used when the email is using default WordPress values, if you have those settings blank nothing will be replaced by the plugin. There is not any change regarding to this in the new update

    I did a test installing the Contact Form 7 and using the default form that is created after installing that plugin, with no values in the From field settings, and it worked fine, no issues.

    Please check the FAQ for this answer: My emails always have the site name as from name, FROM Name in settings is not being used, why?

    Also checking your email headers I can see the following:

    X-Mailer: SAR Friendly SMTP 1.0.2 - WordPress Plugin

    If you check the changelog there’s not any release with that version number.

    Thread Starter Beherit


    The FROM field settings are only used when the email is using default WordPress values, if you have those settings blank nothing will be replaced by the plugin. There is not any change regarding to this in the new update

    I did a test installing the Contact Form 7 and using the default form that is created after installing that plugin, with no values in the From field settings, and it worked fine, no issues.

    So please test it again. In contact form settings please fill “Mail” like this:

    To: Your name <[email protected]>
    From: [name] <[email protected]>
    Additionl Headers: Reply-to: [name] <[email]>

    I checked on clean WP instalation and there is the same problem.

    Please check the FAQ for this answer: My emails always have the site name as from name, FROM Name in settings is not being used, why?

    Omg You don’t understand! In previous version when I fill “FROM Field Settings (Optional)” the fileds was replaced only when in wp_mail I don’t fill e.g. FROM Name!

    “These settings are optional and only used if no other plugin using wp_mail() set his own data for these fields” – this doesn’t work any more! I set own data and Your plugins replacing this data…

    Also checking your email headers I can see the following:

    X-Mailer: SAR Friendly SMTP 1.0.2 – WordPress Plugin

    If you check the changelog there’s not any release with that version number.

    Check chengeds in “sar-friendly-smtp/trunk/sar-friendly-smtp.php” line 29. Please don’t treat me like an idiot.

    Thread Starter Beherit


    Thanks for fix ??

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