Hi @weblizar
Hmm, when I look at the site the menus are broken, instead of being in a horizontal line they are stacked vertically, blue text on a plain white background.
I have a screenshot, but don’t see how to share that here.
Actually, just because of your response, I have taken a look on my own laptop, my mobile, and my partners laptop (identical to mine). Interestingly it looks different on her laptop (basically fine).
The two main differences I can see is the menus (horizontal on hers, vertical on mine), and on the “our services” part of the main page (scroll down), hers shows an icon in the first & third service (question mark, and a tick), while mine shows two empty rectangles in the blue circles.
Is it possible it looks different on mine as I am looking at the wordpress version for editing (even though I don’t recollect that being the case before)?
Also, and I don’t know if this is related. When I go to edit something like “our Services” section, it says I can add services or remove services, but there’s nothing showing the three I already added. It’s as if they have been added but it has forgotten that they have, because now I can’t see any way to edit the existing services. From memory in the “our services” section it should be showing the three I already added so I can edit them?
The same applies to the sliders, we have three, but there’s nothing showing in the customisation section, just the option to add a slide, or save.
Thanks as always for your time.