Upgrade Events Manager without upgrading Pro version?
We have inherited a site that has both Events Manager and Events Manager Pro installed.
The paid for support/upgrade period for the Pro version has ended.
Should we still continue to update Events Manager (currently at v 5.3.3) even if we don’t update the Pro version (currently at v2.2.3)?
All is working fine. Our objective in updating is primarily to ensure we’re running the most secure version.
It appears from the Pro blog that some security updates can be made to the Pro version manually without updating. e.g. https://wp-events-plugin.com/blog/2013/10/06/5-5-2-released/ Therefore if security ‘fixes’ are available in this way then that would be sufficient for our purposes.
I just don’t want to ‘break’ the pro version if we only update the free version…
Can anyone advise?
Thanks in advance.
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