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  • Hey Rob,
    My issue is that the Calendar is overlapping the Widget area on screens smaller than 21 inches…I would not want to go back to an older revision if there is an easy fix?

    Please advise.

    There seems to be a disconnect between “your plugin is broken” and “your plugin no longer works with my custom theme”. Please realize that by custom theme I refer to any theme other than TwentyTen, TwentyEleven, TwentyTwelve, and TwentyThirteen. And even amongst those themes there still may be minor issues with font size, spacing etc. To truly understand “your plugin is broken” I would expect the “white screen of death” from a PHP Fatal Error. Or even a calendar or event listing that doesn’t render, most other issues are largely related to conflicts between plugins and themes.

    If you want to vent, by all means, it’s a public forum. If you want help fixing the problem create a thread with a clear question. Provide a link so others can see what you see and try to provide a detailed description of the problem. Please read the Themer’s Guide. Create a child theme off of your current theme. Try to create you own ‘tribe-events/tribe-events.css’. It will greatly assist in keeping your solution intact through the updating process.

    If possible create a local test environment of your blog and test there. It makes it much easier to test things rather than screw up your live site.

    Lastly, please don’t hijack threads. If your problem isn’t the same as the OP, start a new thread.

    Most of us are here helping because we can. I’m just a customer of Modern Tribe. When people just start venting it doesn’t look like they’re looking for answers.

    I hope everyone’s day gets better.

    New thread it is…but if Rob is listening…this is a coding issue.

    I don’t mind buying a good product but this is a real turn off. You lost me from ever paying. Why should I? Wrecked a client site and client expects me to spend hours putting it back together and re-building the template – free? I can’t find 3.0 documentation on using thumbnails in the new version. It’s nice that the 2.x docs say they are not to be used on 3.x but there should be a link in those to the 3.x

    Ya’ll really screwed the pooch on this one.


    @cybertek: thanks for taking the time to create a new thread, that is much appreciated.

    @kttour-360: it certainly wasn’t our intention to wreck anyone’s site, far from it. If you need help with a specific problem we’ll do what we can – but please create a thread of your own (ideally, one for each problem) and we’ll try to get you going in the right direction.

    Indeed, for anyone else in this thread (there are many voices describing lots of different problems) – please do the same ??


    My website company sends me bill after bill after bill for fixing the calendar. I can’t afford this. I don’t know much about the website stuff but it looks like they upgraded to the 3.0.3 The calendar just sits on September and won’t move. How do I go back to the old calendar that worked and didn’t cost me the bank??

    So sick of this already.

    Please help??

    stacystonesmusic, you are having an issue because your calendar page is using a custom page template. I assume this custom template was designed for the TEC 2.x.

    If you go to Events Calendar Settings > Display and select ‘Default Events Template’ it may solve many of your issues.

    If you want to them customize the template you will have to start with that template.

    Also, this thread is closed. You really should start a new one.

    Hi @stacystonesmusic,

    We definitely sympathize but I have to echo Andy’s remark that you should open a new thread – it is very hard to help everyone when there are many voices which are discussing different issues, even if the different is subtle (and in this case we’re seeing questions about everything from the events list widget to a theme slider and various other things).

    That said, if you want to downgrade, you should refer to this FAQ entry:


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