Upgrade 3.0 issues w/ tables missing & wp_ vs wp_1
I think I have resolved this, but want to check if there’s anything else I need to check to be sure — and thought this post may help others.
I upgraded a WordPress MU site to 3.0 using the quick install in the Control Panel and following steps in https://developersmind.com/2010/06/17/upgrading-wordpress-mu-2-9-2-to-wordpress-3-0/ (thanks to andrea_r for posting this on another thread).
I also adding to wp-config.php (not sure if needed):
define( ‘MULTISITE’, true );I got database errors and WP couldn’t repair and I did a few things I stupidly cannot remember and finally got an error showing that there were tables missing. There were a few “wp_” tables missing. To fix I:
– dropped all the tables in the existing database
– did the installation again
– imported my backed up databaseDatabase fixed, but there was no data in my main site, but there was in the second site. I thought I had read something that with 3.0 it was using wp_ instead of wp_1 so I:
– renamed some of the wp_ tables to wp_3 (as I was afraid to just drop them in case I needed to go back) — some of the wp_ files did not have equivalent wp_1 and wp_2 files so I left as wp_ thinking they were needed to run the overall application.
– then renamed the wp_1 tables to wp_It worked, but now I am just afraid there may be some other things I ma need to fix. Anyone think of anything else I should check?
Should I drop the tables I now have as wp_3 to keep the db tidy and in case I do add a 3rd site here.
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