Thanks for all of the information everyone. I did get the blog upgraded, but I received some error messages when I upgraded the blog. Here they are.
WordPress database error: [Access denied for user ‘yscr_bbt8IS’@’localhost’ to database ‘blog’]
ALTER TABLE wp_posts CHANGE COLUMN post_status post_status enum(‘publish’,’draft’,’private’,’static’,’object’,’attachment’,’inherit’,’future’, ‘pending’) NOT NULL default ‘publish’
WordPress database error: [Access denied for user ‘yscr_bbt8IS’@’localhost’ to database ‘blog’]
ALTER TABLE wp_posts CHANGE COLUMN post_type post_type varchar(20) NOT NULL default ‘post’
WordPress database error: [Access denied for user ‘yscr_bbt8IS’@’localhost’ to database ‘blog’]
ALTER TABLE wp_posts ALTER COLUMN post_type SET DEFAULT ‘post’
WordPress database error: [Access denied for user ‘yscr_bbt8IS’@’localhost’ to database ‘blog’]
ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD KEY type_status_date (post_type,post_status,post_date,ID)
WordPress database error: [Access denied for user ‘yscr_bbt8IS’@’localhost’ to database ‘blog’]
ALTER TABLE wp_users ADD KEY user_nicename (user_nicename)
Not sure what this means, but it seems like everything is working except the permalinks.
Any idea of what these errors mean?