• I have been working on show_authors() codebase and found that I can not remove the Subscribers from the output of this loop. Any suggestions on how to only post Roles aside from Subscriber?

    	// display all users with a link to their user page
    	function show_authors() {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$users = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users ORDER BY user_nicename");
    	foreach($users as $user) {
    		$user = get_userdata($user);
    		echo '<li><img src="/wp-content/authors/' . $user->user_login . '-5.jpg" alt="" /><span class="author-name">' . $user->display_name . '</span><br /><span class="author-company">' .  TruncateString($user->user_url, 26) . '</span><br/<a href="/index.php?author=' . $user->ID . '">View Profile &raquo;</a></li>';

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