@rinibak whether you try to update the plugin from the Dashboard or via WP CLI, the same error will be printed. The reason you weren’t able to update the plugin was that the license was marked as “active” on your end, but in fact, it wasn’t in the system.
To give you an example, you might have activated the license on staging and then you performed a migration to live. The license shows as active on live, but it wasn’t actually activated to work there, meaning the connection to the remove server has not been made. In future versions of the plugin, extra verifications will be in place to automatically deactivate an “active” license if it wasn’t actually activated on that host.
So, to fix this, the best way would be to deactivate the license and re-activate it. Also, log in to your customer’s dashboard here – https://www.gabelivan.com/customer-dashboard/ – manage the license and view all the activations there. Perhaps you already activated the license on a different domain and you forgot about it. It does happen when people switch domains or just install the plugin on a client’s website and then just forget about it. I hope it helps ??
PS: I checked the tickets and I haven’t located any email from your about this matter. So, can you use the same contact form and submit and dummy message with your license key so I could look it up for you?