• The new updates selection works quite odd.
    – It is not easy to select updates, or so it seems. The previous system was more simple. Pleas, a select / deselect all option.
    – It loses contact when there is a backup, and don’t go on with the updates. (And yes, the backup ends).
    – I think it started to backup a site even when it wasn’t on the updates list (I updated it manually before so it wouldn’t have pending updates).
    – The remove items doesn’t seem to work. Neither the “Remove selected items” or the “Remove” button within “View queued itesm”.
    – So it was on hold. It has the “updates on the list”, can’t remove them and I can’t manage to make it go on. (Process Queued Update (0) button doesn’t work) but on the View queued items I have a lot of them.

    Luckily I found an option at the settings to empty the cache or something, and it seems like it deleted the Queue… but I don’t think that should be the way. Tried also to set a higher wait time.

    So I think all of that could be improved.

    This is a great plugin, and helps a lot, by the way. ?? Thanks.

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  • Plugin Support bcrodua



    Thanks for your feedback.

    You can also post requests and suggestions on this page: https://updraftplus.com/feature-requests/
    This gives us a centralised point for suggesting new features, and allows others to support suggestions. We will tend to prioritise features that have proven popular.


    Plugin Author David Anderson / Team Updraft


    @bcrodua It reads to me like @taisa1984 is reporting problems rather than an idea. i.e. Some things don’t work for her.


    > Pleas, a select / deselect all option.

    This is there; to queue all the shown items, click “Queue items shown”. They will then all be checked. To unqueue them all, click “Removed selected items from the queue”.

    With the other items, it seems like you’ve found a bug. I’ve not been able to reproduce the same bug. Is there a particular sequence of steps to take? Does deselecting work, and then stop working later?

    I couldn’t reproduce this issue, but had other bigger problem.

    Anyway, I prefered the old selection method. It seemed more intuitive for me. But maybe it is only me.


    Plugin Support bcrodua



    Please feel free to open a new thread if you continue to get the same problem.


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