• The bane of my existence. This combined with QUIC.Cloud constantly makes editing sites a pain as they do not show the updates live. When you push out an update, it sometimes takes hours or even days to update on the CDN’s cached version, not to mention other problems. HORRIBLE! Especially bad if you are actually writing some script for a page and entering it into a custom HTML block for Gutenberg. I wish I never used QUIC.Cloud and this. Right now, there is an image that I updated for a product 2 days ago, but the product still has the same old image. The CDN will not update it no matter how many times I hit every clear cache option in this plugin.

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  • Plugin Support LiteSpeed Lisa


    I understand how that can be difficult to deal with. I have two ideas for you to try, and if they don’t work, I hope you will consider starting a support thread, so the support team can give you some help figuring out a workflow that doesn’t end in frustration.

    1. When you are making changes to your site, you can turn off LSCache functionality while you work. In the Toolbox section, Debug Settings tab, set Disable All Features to ON and save your changes. Once you’re done working, you can set that to OFF to re-enable LSCWP features.
    2. You mention you’ve tried to purge cache from everywhere in the plugin. Did you also try it from the CDN side? On your QUIC.cloud Dashboard, in the CDN section for your domain, under Quick Actions, click the Purge All CDN Cache link. It will give you the option of purging everything, or just purging static files. Purging images should help with the issue you describe.

    I hope this helps, but please do contact our support team if these ideas don’t work for you, or you need further suggestions.

    Suggestion to litespeed: Well. make CDN to clean itself after clicking clean all cache for litespeed plugin too in this case people iwll save time that is wasted in login accounts etc… this is always hated part loging in adding codes clicking buttons that logicalli should to it at once… no reason to clean website cache but not CDN one… the same should be if it is working with cloudflare settings

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