Hello Rachel,
I am still experiencing problems with CPTonomies version 1.3.5 with WP version 4.6.1 although your recent update did seem to solve some of the issues I was seeing. I believe it has to do with this function I’ve written to gather all associated posts of a specified type. These posts are CPTonomies…
function get_associated_posts_of_type($postID,$post_type){
// returns array of post id's of posts associated with postID (int) of type $post_type (string)
$posts_linked_posts=get_the_terms($postID, $post_type);
if($posts_linked_posts && !is_wp_error( $posts_linked_posts )){
foreach($posts_linked_posts as $linked_post){
array_push($linked_post_id_list, $linked_post->term_id);
return $linked_post_id_list;
} else return null;
… this function used to return a list of CPT post IDs but now it returns the correct number of associated posts but with the data of the post ID you pass into the function (or the current post, I haven’t tested all scenarios). This looks like a WP post loop error but this was working in WP version 4.4.3.
Thank you for the great plugin!