Updated Links Possible?
Hey all, Happy New Year.
Got a quick question, and I haven’t found the answer to this even though I’ve searched. If it’s obvious, then I apologize because I probably missed an obvious search criteria. So I hope I’m not wasting anyone’s time:
I want to display updated blogs in my links list a la Blogrolling. How? I see fields in which to display an RSS icon for something, but just out of the box WP doesn’t appear to star/mark any updated blogs in the list.
Can this be done? Am I missing some incredibly obvious check box? Maybe I am.
I recently imported all my blogrolling.com links to my WP links manager and I just don’t see it. So if somebody could point me out to the obvious check box/field/samhain ritual at midnight with a chicken spinning over my head, I’d be most gracious.
And if it’s obvious, you can flame me but I won’t read it today as I still have a hangover.
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