Great point.
I had just upgraded to the newest WordPress 4.9.8 when the problems started.
Whenever I try to save my permalinks, it adds a line to the htaccess file that just doesn’t work. If I take that line out (ExpiresByType default “access plus 3 hours”), I have a fully functioning website. But I can’t updated my permalinks on the dashboard by clicking on save, because it adds that line back in again.
None of my error logs are showing anything new. I have access to “error_log” and to “php_errors.log”, but nothing has changed in them. “mail.log” looks fine. I’ve tried different themes, plugins and widgets. I run 5 WordPress sites and have upgraded all of them and only one has this problem.
I did the upgrade via Mojo Marketplace. The Mojo plugin is terrible, by the way. Nobody can post comments on my site when it’s active, so I never use it. I’m a big fan of Jetpack and all they have to offer.
The WordPress app on my phone crashes a lot when I click on stats. I sometimes wonder if 5 WordPress sites is too many for my host…
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This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by