• You are using WordPress 3.2.1.
    Hi there thanks for looking in. I hope you can help me please.
    I updated my site and well… everything seemed OK except for my Blog part of my site.
    You see my Footers and sidebar are the way I designed them except for the Blog page… They are flip flopped.
    The Sidebar content is at the bottom and the vise-verse?

    I shot over to my Editor, but in all honesty, I could not cipher which command does what? I understand HTML and have hopped on to the WordPress express but seem to be moving a little slow around the junction. with PHP If you know what I meant there “little Joe”

    I would need someone to look at my site and compare the other pages to the Blog page and you will see how my Moniker or Logo is now floating on the sidebar and not at the bottom like the other pages.

    This happened with the last update. WordPress 3.2.1.

    If you can direct me step by step on the cut and paste of how to switch those exclusively on the Blog page as the rest of the pages are correct?

    Thanks again for looking in and in advance for any suggestions you may have.
    Here is the my site https://www.netcommercial.net

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  • Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    I wanted to edit this to read:

    My “Welcome php” has been forced to the bottom of the page (where my footer should be) and my “Footer php” is placed at the top right of my page where the sidebar should be?
    Only on the Blog page?

    Thanks again for any help…

    Hi trying to keep uo,

    In your style.css (https://www.netcommercial.net/wp-content/themes/pixel/style.css)

    Change the width to 930px (line 263). Currently it’s set to 560px. It’s too small to include both the main and sidebar boxes.

    Add float:left; and width: 570px; in .topPost (line 283).
    So it should look something like;

    .topPost {
        float: left;
        font-size: 9pt;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        width: 570px;

    It should fix your layout problem.

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo



    I did as instructed, however that put it all to the bottom of my page
    see for yourself https://www.netcommercial.net/blog

    By installing this code:
    .topPost {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    font-size: 9pt;
    width: 570px;

    AND this one too:

    #contentwrapper {
    width: 930px;
    margin: 0 0 15px 0;
    padding: 0;

    When I installed that code in my CSS it also took the whole site off center when opening in FF did not look in IE yet.
    Notice the video place holders are moved to the left and no longer on center—-https://www.netcommercial.net
    & https://www.netcommercial.net/advantages-of-owning-a-commercial

    Thanks for you help on this. I thought it was something to with CSS and the Welcome PHP? thanks for helping me out I was on the wrong path.
    Now if we can get my Welcome box moved to the top (as of now it is at the bottom) And correct my <centering problem) I would be a happy camper.
    Thanks again,
    Just trying to keep up <–or as my handle was misspelled UO

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    I do not know what I did after posting that last post but I think I somehow deleted this command?
    .topPost {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    font-size: 9pt;
    width: 570px;

    As it is not in my CSS anymore and my stuff is centered like I wanted. Although my Font is HUGE in some places and that original issue with getting my Footer to the bottom has been resolved YET my Welcome PHP is stuffed down at the bottom with some HUGE font going on down there?

    If you get a chance maybe you can preview and let me know where or what I deleted please?
    Thanks for you help

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    P.S Along with my linked headers turned Blue?

    To separate the layout between the page (https://www.netcommercial.net/advantages-of-owning-a-commercial) and the recent blog page (https://www.netcommercial.net/blog, you will have to give a specific id on the blog home page.

    Open index.php and replace <body> to below:

    <?php if (is_home()) { echo "<body id='blog'>"; } else { echo "<body>"; }

    And add the new styles below:

    #blog #contentwrapper {
        width: 930px;
        margin: 0 0 15px 0;
        padding: 0;
    #blog .topPost {
        float: left;
        font-size: 9pt;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        width: 570px;

    Let me know if it works.

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    Index.php Looks like this….

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    I am not sure if you went over to https://www.netcommercial.net

    Which is my main page, which is now mysteriously centered after I must have deleted something?
    One thing that happened though, is the links color were all changed to Blue. Not that it matters or looks bad, just wondering what code I removed to have that happen? Or rather how much code am I missing now? And did I <u>screw up</u> your first direction by doing so?

    Sorry about not grasping this so quickly I do appreciate your patience.
    Thanks again

    Ok, let’s fix one by one.

    First for blog, sorry I meant header.php, NOT index.php.
    And add the css, NOT replacing.

    Once the blog is fixed, let’s look further on your home page.

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo



    I have found the open <Body> tag yet there is not a close </body> tag?

    You stated to replace Open “HEADER”.php and replace <body> to below:

    <?php if (is_home()) { echo "<body id='blog'>"; } else { echo "<body>"; }

    Here is what I have once the body tag starts:

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    [Please post code snippets between backticks or use the code button.]

    For the body bit,
    you can just replace <body> to the code I gave you.

    	if (is_home()) {
    		echo "<body id='blog'>";
    	} else {
    		echo "<body>";

    And you can add the css code anywhere, maybe put at the end.

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    Thanks for the reply yet I do not understand? I have a Body tag that is not closed with a </body tag
    The code you typed is the same as I repeated above.

    	if (is_home()) {
    		echo "<body id='blog'>";
    	} else {
    		echo "<body>";

    [Please post code snippets between backticks or use the code button.]

    I am not sure where to place that code or if it replaces the code?
    Please advise if you will
    Thanks again
    This is my whole code sequence from the Header.php B.T.W…

    Please cut and paste your suggestion so I can apply on my end.
    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]


    The closing tag of body is not in header.php so you don’t have to worry about that. </body> is in footer.php

    Also when you paste the code, could you please use https://pastebin.com/?

    It’s quite hard to read the code ??

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    I will try that. Thanks, I will also try to use pastebin, I assume it should be WSYWG?

    Ok code installed in Header as instructed as well as into CSS
    no effect to any pages other then Blog page whereas it wrapped the Font to create room for my Welcome PHP box. Yet, that is still at the bottom with the Footer…. I guess you are getting me there.

    Your blog page looks ok now at my end.
    Have you removed the cache?

    Thread Starter trying to keep uo


    Thanks for following up on me… I clear my cache every time I close FF
    I also did it manually with Tools-Options-advanced-clear now

    I am still at the problem of my Welcome.php stuffed to the bottom of my page?
    If you scroll down to the bottom of the Blog you will see:
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    that part between the lined off above, there is my Welcome.php is supposed to or used to be. At the top Right of the Blog page…. That is the challenge. Your code worked to get the Footer back to the bottom but it also has left the welcome.php at the bottom also.
    Thanks for sticking in there

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