Update to Plugin appears to have broken link from InboundNow
Hi Paul, we have the following functions linking the InboundNow plugin to Site Review which you kindly wrote for us, but appears to be broken following a recent plugin update.
Please can you suggest the fix – thanks.// START site reviews functions ====================================================================== /** Site Reviews */ /** * @param array $reviewValues * author => the reviewer's name * email => the reviewer's email * assigned_to => the post_id of the page the review is assigned to * content => the review text * rating => the review rating (1-5) * title => the review title * @param string $reviewCategory The taxonomy ID or slug * @return int|false */ function glsr_create_site_review( array $reviewValues, $reviewCategory = '' ) { if( !function_exists( 'glsr_resolve' ))return; $database = glsr_resolve( 'Database' ); $user = wp_get_current_user(); $review = wp_parse_args( $reviewValues, [ 'assigned_to' => '', 'author' => $user->exists() ? $user->display_name : '', 'content' => '', 'date' => '', 'email' => $user->exists() ? $user->user_email : '', 'ip_address' => glsr_resolve( 'Helper' )->getIpAddress(), 'rating' => '0', 'review_type' => 'local', 'title' => '', ]); $review['avatar'] = get_avatar_url( $review['email'] ); if( $post_id = $database->createReview( $review, (object)['blacklisted' => false] )) { $database->setReviewMeta( $post_id, $reviewCategory ); return $post_id; } glsr_log( 'This review was not created: '.print_r( $review, true )); return false; } /** * Create a new review from the information submitted by an Inbound Forms plugin form * @param array $lead * @return void */ add_action( 'inbound_store_lead_post', function( $lead ) { if( !function_exists( 'glsr_create_site_review' )) return; if( isset( $lead['raw_params'] )) { parse_str( $lead['raw_params'], $parsedLead ); if( !array_key_exists( 'inbound_form_n', $parsedLead ) || !array_key_exists( 'review_recommend_friends_family', $parsedLead ) )return; } $categorySlug = strtolower( str_replace( ' - Review', '', $parsedLead['inbound_form_n'] )); $requiredFields = [ 'email', 'ip_address', 'review_date', 'review_recommend_friends_family', 'review_summary', 'review_text', 'wpleads_name', ]; $data = wp_parse_args( (array)$lead, array_fill_keys( $requiredFields, '' )); $date = empty( $data['review_date'] ) ? current_time( 'mysql' ) : date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $data['review_date'] )); // turn on logging in the SiteReviews "Get Help -> System Info" page // and uncomment to following line to see all the available field values in $data: glsr_log( $data ); $postId = glsr_create_site_review([ 'author' => trim( $data['wpleads_name'] ), 'content' => $data['review_text'], 'date' => $date, 'email' => $data['email'], 'ip_address' => $data['ip_address'], 'rating' => $data['review_recommend_friends_family'], 'title' => $data['review_summary'], ], $categorySlug ); if( $postId && !empty( $data['id'] )) { add_post_meta( $data['id'], 'site_review_post_id', $postId ); add_post_meta( $postId, 'wp_lead_post_id', $data['id'] ); } }); /** * Display the author's name as initials * @param object $review * @return object */ add_filter( 'site-reviews/get/review', function( $review ) { if( !is_admin() ) { preg_match_all( '/(?<=\s|\b)\pL/u', $review->author, $matches ); $initials = implode( '. ', $matches[0] ).'.'; $review->author = strtoupper( $initials ); } return $review; }); /** * Removes any review-to-lead connections when a lead is deleted * @param int $postId * @return void */ add_action( 'before_delete_post', function( $postId ) { $lead = get_post( $postId ); if( !( $lead instanceof WP_Post ) || $lead->post_type != 'wp-lead' )return; $reviewIds = get_post_meta( $lead->ID, 'site_review_post_id' ); foreach( $reviewIds as $reviewId ) { delete_post_meta( $reviewId, 'wp_lead_post_id' ); } }); // END site-review plugin ============================================================================
This is an extract of the Site Review log:
( [email] => [email protected] [ip_address] => x.x.x.x [review_date] => 2019-01-16 [review_recommend_friends_family] => 5 [review_summary] => Test 190118 0227 [review_text] => Text 190118 0227 [wpleads_name] => Christopher Hilling [user_ID] => 0 [wordpress_date_time] => 2019-01-18 2:28:01 UTC [page_id] => 10013820 [page_views] => {\"10013820\":[\"2019/01/18 02:26:39\"]} [raw_params] => review_recommend_friends_family=5&review_ratings_appointments=5&review_ratings_dignity_respect=5&review_ratings_involvement=5&review_ratings_information=5&review_ratings_outcome=5&review_summary=Test%20190118%200227&review_text=Text%20190118%200227&review_date=2019-01-16&wpleads_first_name=Christopher&wpleads_last_name=Hilling&your-email-address=christopher%40xxxx.org.uk&inbound_form_n=Tewkesbury%20-%20Review&inbound_form_lists=1007407&inbound_form_id=10016438&inbound_current_page_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spadental.co.uk%2Ftewkesbury%2Ffeedback%2F&page_id=10013820&inbound_furl=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3BhZGVudGFsLmNvLnVrL3Rld2tlc2J1cnkvdGhhbmsteW91Lw%3D%3D&inbound_notify=dGV3a2VzYnVyeUBzcGFkZW50YWwuY28udWs%3D&inbound_nonce=9aad2aab20 [inbound_form_id] => 10016438 [mapped_params] => review_recommend_friends_family=5&review_ratings_appointments=5&review_ratings_dignity_respect=5&review_ratings_involvement=5&review_ratings_information=5&review_ratings_outcome=5&review_summary=Test%20190118%200227&review_text=Text%20190118%200227&review_date=2019-01-16&wpleads_first_name=Christopher&wpleads_last_name=Hilling&email=christopher%40xxxx.org.uk&inbound_form_lists=1007407 [url_params] => {} [variation] => 0 [form_id] => 10016438 [source] => Direct Traffic [wp_lead_status] => [review_ratings_appointments] => 5 [review_ratings_dignity_respect] => 5 [review_ratings_involvement] => 5 [review_ratings_information] => 5 [review_ratings_outcome] => 5 [wpleads_first_name] => Christopher [wpleads_last_name] => Hilling [inbound_form_lists] => 1007407 [lead_lists] => Array ( [0] => 1007407 ) [lead_tags] => [id] => 10016440 [form_name] => )
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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