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  • Did you try everything tried here?
    setting AI1ec_DEBUG and shutdown function expacially

    Thread Starter dilasso


    thanx Nicola for your response.

    I set define( ‘AI1EC_DEBUG’, true ); and added the shutdown function (inside the wp-config just below the debug, right?)

    i got this message (without having the calender activated)

    array(4) {
    string(198) “file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found”
    string(106) “/XXX/”

    as soon as a activate the calender plugin there is again nothing, no array, no debug logs, nothing, just a message in firefox that the “connection is interrupted” (translated from german) and in chrome that “no data was received” an an error: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

    as soon as I remove the calender-plugin folder, the site is working just fine again.

    I wonder, how i can get the debug log to be displayed

    Thanx for your help

    Couldn’t this be a douple gzip probelm?i really wouldn’t know what to think otherwise

    marking as fixed, reopen i fneeded

    Thread Starter dilasso


    No, sorry.
    I couldn’t fix it. Switched to another plugin.

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