Hi, thanks for checking.
I updated the plugin the day you released it and no, to my disappointment, the issue has not been solved.
In addition, I’ve since looked at my site on my phone and the WooCommerce block looks terrible there. I have two other blocks on my home page (by other developers, showing posts) and they translate correctly to the smaller media: images and headings switch to vertical alignment and still fill the space. The WooCommerce block, however, keeps the horizontal alignment and just makes the thumbnails tiny and the headings are forced into long vertical rows beneath them.
Frankly, when days passed without an update from you, I searched my other block plugins to see if I could just replace yours. Unfortunately, I have yet to find another plugin that will include WooCommerce products (instead of posts). I’m going to keep looking for a work around and may just go back to hand coding.
Your plugin needs improvement and those of us with live, working stores don’t want to wait months for that to maybe happen. WooCommerce seems to have underestimated the importance of this. Think about it: we’re using WC to Sell Things and the first look our hard won site visitors get of our products is likely in your plugin (and the numbers say they’re probably viewing them on their phones). We have a few seconds to hook them and keep them shopping. A commerce platform that doesn’t help us do that is practically worthless.